Creates a cell array of numeric arrays
The num2cell function converts an array into a cell array of the same size.
C = num2cell(A) C = num2cell(A,dim)
- Input, specified as any type of multidimensional array.
- The dimension of A, specified as A positive integer or A positive integer vector. dim Must be between 1 and ndims(A). The elements do not need to be arranged in numerical order. however num2cell The array dimension of each cell in C is replaced to match the order of the specified dimensions.
- The generated array is returned as A cell array. C The size of depends on the size of A and the value of dim.
If not specified dim, then C Size and A Same.
If dim Is a scalar, then C contain numel(A)/size(A,dim) Cell. If dim If it is 1 or 2, each cell contains a column vector or row vector respectively. If dim > 2, then each cell contains a second cell dim The length of the dimension is size(A,dim) And the other dimensions are single dimensions.
For example, given a 4 × seven × 3 array A. This window displays num2cell How to create and dim value 1,2 and three Corresponding cell.
If dim Is included N A vector of values, then C have numel(A)/prod([size(A,dim(1)),...,size(A,vdim(N))]) Cells. Each cell contains a second cell dim(i) The length of the dimension is size(A,dim(i)) And other dimensions are arrays of single dimensions.
For example, given a 4 × seven × 3 array, you can dim Specify as a positive integer vector to create cell arrays of different dimensions.
C = num2cell(A) By will A Each element of is placed in C In a separate cell of the array A Convert to cell array C. num2cell The function converts an array with any data type (even a non numeric type).
C = num2cell(A,dim) take A The content of is divided into C A separate cell in which dim Specifies that each cell contains A Which dimension of the. dim It can be a scalar or vector of dimensions. For example, if A If there are 2 rows and 3 columns, then:
num2cell(A,1) Create a 1 × 3-cell array C. Each cell contains A Of 2 × Column 1.
num2cell(A,2) Create a 2 × 1-cell array C. Each cell contains A Of 1 × Three lines.
num2cell(A,[1 2]) Create a 1 × 1-cell array C. Each cell contains A The entire array.
Convert array to cell array
Put all the elements of a numeric array into separate cells.
a = magic(3) a = 3×3 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2
Using the function:
c = num2cell(a) c=3×3 cell array {[8]} {[1]} {[6]} {[3]} {[5]} {[7]} {[4]} {[9]} {[2]}
Put the letters of a word into the cells of the array.
a = ['four';'five';'nine'] a = 3x4 char array 'four' 'five' 'nine' c = num2cell(a) c = 3x4 cell {'f'} {'o'} {'u'} {'r'} {'f'} {'i'} {'v'} {'e'} {'n'} {'i'} {'n'} {'e'}
Creates a cell array of numeric arrays
Generate a 4 × three × 2, and then create an array containing 4 × 1 column vector × three × Cell array of 2.
A = reshape(1:12,4,3); A(:,:,2) = A*10 A = A(:,:,1) = 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 12 A(:,:,2) = 10 50 90 20 60 100 30 70 110 40 80 120 C = num2cell(A,1) C = 1x3x2 cell array C(:,:,1) = {4x1 double} {4x1 double} {4x1 double} C(:,:,2) = {4x1 double} {4x1 double} {4x1 double}
Each 4 × 1 vector contains along A Elements of the first dimension of:
C{1} ans = 4×1 1 2 3 4
Create 1 × 3 numerical array 4 × one × 2-cell array.
C = num2cell(A,2) C = 4x1x2 cell array C(:,:,1) = {1x3 double} {1x3 double} {1x3 double} {1x3 double} C(:,:,2) = {1x3 double} {1x3 double} {1x3 double} {1x3 double}
Each 1 × The 3-line vector contains along A Elements of the second dimension:
C{1} ans = 1×3 1 5 9
Finally, create 1 × one × 2 of numeric array 4 × 3-cell array.
C = num2cell(A,3) C=4×3 cell array {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double} {1x1x2 double}
Each 1 × one × 2 vector contains along A Elements of the third dimension:
C{1} ans = ans(:,:,1) = 1 ans(:,:,2) = 10
Merge multiple dimensions
Create a cell array by merging numerical arrays of various dimensions.
A = reshape(1:12,4,3); A(:,:,2) = A*10 A = A(:,:,1) = 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 12 A(:,:,2) = 10 50 90 20 60 100 30 70 110 40 80 120 c = num2cell(A,[1 3]) c=1×3 cell array {4x1x2 double} {4x1x2 double} {4x1x2 double}
Each 4 × one × 2 the array contains edges A Elements of the first and third dimensions of:
c{1} ans = ans(:,:,1) = 1 2 3 4 ans(:,:,2) = 10 20 30 40 c = num2cell(A,[2 3]) c=4×1 cell array {1x3x2 double} {1x3x2 double} {1x3x2 double} {1x3x2 double}