V-LOAM source code analysis

Posted by designrandom on Tue, 05 May 2020 23:35:31 +0200

For reprint, please indicate the source: This article is from zhch Pan's blog http://www.cnblogs.com/zhchp-blog/


This blog is the source code reading work I did before when I did the project. po went to the Internet to help others better understand the V-LOAM project implementation. Some local codes have been modified, which may be different from the original project, but the understanding of the overall process of the project is not hindered.

Source download link: https://github.com/jinqiang/demo ABCD lidar



Node name: featureTracking

Subscribe to topic: < sensor_msgs:: Image > ("/ camera/image_raw")

Publish topic: 1, < sensor_msgs:: pointcloud2 > ("/ image_points_last")



  1 #include <math.h>
  2 #include <stdio.h>
  3 #include <stdlib.h>
  4 #include <ros/ros.h>
  6 #include "cameraParameters.h"
  7 #include "pointDefinition.h"
  9 using namespace std;
 10 using namespace cv;
 12 bool systemInited = false;
 13 double timeCur, timeLast;
 15 const int imagePixelNum = imageHeight * imageWidth;
 16 CvSize imgSize = cvSize(imageWidth, imageHeight);
 18 IplImage *imageCur = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
 19 IplImage *imageLast = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
 21 int showCount = 0;
 22 const int showSkipNum = 2;
 23 const int showDSRate = 2;
 24 CvSize showSize = cvSize(imageWidth / showDSRate, imageHeight / showDSRate);
 26 IplImage *imageShow = cvCreateImage(showSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
 27 IplImage *harrisLast = cvCreateImage(showSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
 29 CvMat kMat = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64FC1, kImage);
 30 CvMat dMat = cvMat(4, 1, CV_64FC1, dImage);
 32 IplImage *mapx, *mapy;
 34 const int maxFeatureNumPerSubregion = 2;
 35 const int xSubregionNum = 12;
 36 const int ySubregionNum = 8;
 37 const int totalSubregionNum = xSubregionNum * ySubregionNum;
 38 const int MAXFEATURENUM = maxFeatureNumPerSubregion * totalSubregionNum;
 40 const int xBoundary = 20;
 41 const int yBoundary = 20;
 42 const double subregionWidth = (double)(imageWidth - 2 * xBoundary) / (double)xSubregionNum;
 43 const double subregionHeight = (double)(imageHeight - 2 * yBoundary) / (double)ySubregionNum;
 45 const double maxTrackDis = 100;
 46 const int winSize = 15;
 48 IplImage *imageEig, *imageTmp, *pyrCur, *pyrLast;
 50 CvPoint2D32f *featuresCur = new CvPoint2D32f[2 * MAXFEATURENUM];
 51 CvPoint2D32f *featuresLast = new CvPoint2D32f[2 * MAXFEATURENUM];
 52 char featuresFound[2 * MAXFEATURENUM];
 53 float featuresError[2 * MAXFEATURENUM];
 55 int featuresIndFromStart = 0;
 56 int featuresInd[2 * MAXFEATURENUM] = {0};
 58 int totalFeatureNum = 0;
 59 //maxFeatureNumPerSubregion=2
 60 int subregionFeatureNum[2 * totalSubregionNum] = {0};
 62 pcl::PointCloud<ImagePoint>::Ptr imagePointsCur(new pcl::PointCloud<ImagePoint>());
 63 pcl::PointCloud<ImagePoint>::Ptr imagePointsLast(new pcl::PointCloud<ImagePoint>());
 65 ros::Publisher *imagePointsLastPubPointer;
 66 ros::Publisher *imageShowPubPointer;
 67 cv_bridge::CvImage bridge;
 69 void imageDataHandler(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& imageData) 
 70 {
 71   timeLast = timeCur;
 72   timeCur = imageData->header.stamp.toSec() - 0.1163;
 74   IplImage *imageTemp = imageLast;
 75   imageLast = imageCur;
 76   imageCur = imageTemp;
 78   for (int i = 0; i < imagePixelNum; i++) {
 79     imageCur->imageData[i] = (char)imageData->data[i];
 80   }
 82   IplImage *t = cvCloneImage(imageCur);
 83   //Remove image distortion
 84   cvRemap(t, imageCur, mapx, mapy);
 85   //cvEqualizeHist(imageCur, imageCur);
 86   cvReleaseImage(&t);
 88   //Reduce it a little, maybe corner detection is faster
 89   cvResize(imageLast, imageShow);
 90   cvCornerHarris(imageShow, harrisLast, 3);
 92   CvPoint2D32f *featuresTemp = featuresLast;
 93   featuresLast = featuresCur;
 94   featuresCur = featuresTemp;
 96   pcl::PointCloud<ImagePoint>::Ptr imagePointsTemp = imagePointsLast;
 97   imagePointsLast = imagePointsCur;
 98   imagePointsCur = imagePointsTemp;
 99   imagePointsCur->clear();
101   if (!systemInited) {
102     systemInited = true;
103     return;
104   }
106   int recordFeatureNum = totalFeatureNum;
107   for (int i = 0; i < ySubregionNum; i++) {
108     for (int j = 0; j < xSubregionNum; j++) {
109       //ind Point to current subregion number
110       int ind = xSubregionNum * i + j;
111       int numToFind = maxFeatureNumPerSubregion - subregionFeatureNum[ind];
113       if (numToFind > 0) {
114         int subregionLeft = xBoundary + (int)(subregionWidth * j);
115         int subregionTop = yBoundary + (int)(subregionHeight * i);
116         //Change the current subregion Box out
117         CvRect subregion = cvRect(subregionLeft, subregionTop, (int)subregionWidth, (int)subregionHeight);
118         cvSetImageROI(imageLast, subregion);
119         //In the box subregion Find good feature points in
120         cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(imageLast, imageEig, imageTmp, featuresLast + totalFeatureNum,
121                               &numToFind, 0.1, 5.0, NULL, 3, 1, 0.04);
123         int numFound = 0;
124         for(int k = 0; k < numToFind; k++) {
125           featuresLast[totalFeatureNum + k].x += subregionLeft;
126           featuresLast[totalFeatureNum + k].y += subregionTop;
128           int xInd = (featuresLast[totalFeatureNum + k].x + 0.5) / showDSRate;
129           int yInd = (featuresLast[totalFeatureNum + k].y + 0.5) / showDSRate;
130           //Check whether there are suitable feature points matched in the detected corner points
131           if (((float*)(harrisLast->imageData + harrisLast->widthStep * yInd))[xInd] > 1e-7) {
132             featuresLast[totalFeatureNum + numFound].x = featuresLast[totalFeatureNum + k].x;
133             featuresLast[totalFeatureNum + numFound].y = featuresLast[totalFeatureNum + k].y;
134             featuresInd[totalFeatureNum  + numFound]   = featuresIndFromStart;
136             numFound++;
137             featuresIndFromStart++;
138           }
139         }
140         totalFeatureNum += numFound;
141         subregionFeatureNum[ind] += numFound;
143         cvResetImageROI(imageLast);
144       }
145     }
146   }
148   cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(imageLast, imageCur, pyrLast, pyrCur,
149                          featuresLast, featuresCur, totalFeatureNum, cvSize(winSize, winSize), 
150                          3, featuresFound, featuresError, 
151                          cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 30, 0.01), 0);
153   for (int i = 0; i < totalSubregionNum; i++) {
154     subregionFeatureNum[i] = 0;
155   }
157   ImagePoint point;
158   int featureCount = 0;
159   double meanShiftX = 0, meanShiftY = 0;
160   for (int i = 0; i < totalFeatureNum; i++) {
161     double trackDis = sqrt((featuresLast[i].x - featuresCur[i].x) 
162                     * (featuresLast[i].x - featuresCur[i].x)
163                     + (featuresLast[i].y - featuresCur[i].y) 
164                     * (featuresLast[i].y - featuresCur[i].y));
166     if (!(trackDis > maxTrackDis || featuresCur[i].x < xBoundary || 
167       featuresCur[i].x > imageWidth - xBoundary || featuresCur[i].y < yBoundary || 
168       featuresCur[i].y > imageHeight - yBoundary)) {
169       //Calculate which feature point is the current subregion Detected in, ind yes subregion Number of
170       int xInd = (int)((featuresLast[i].x - xBoundary) / subregionWidth);
171       int yInd = (int)((featuresLast[i].y - yBoundary) / subregionHeight);
172       int ind = xSubregionNum * yInd + xInd;
174       if (subregionFeatureNum[ind] < maxFeatureNumPerSubregion) {
175         //Filter the feature points matched by optical flow method according to the screening criteria,Here featureCount It starts from 0,
176         //therefore featuresCur[]and featuresLast[]Only the feature points of the adjacent image are saved, but not those long ago
177         featuresCur[featureCount].x = featuresCur[i].x;
178         featuresCur[featureCount].y = featuresCur[i].y;
179         featuresLast[featureCount].x = featuresLast[i].x;
180         featuresLast[featureCount].y = featuresLast[i].y;
181         //Some feature points are sifted out, so here featureCount Not necessarily i Equal
182         featuresInd[featureCount] = featuresInd[i];
183         /* In this step, the feature points [u,v] in the image coordinate system are transformed to the camera coordinate system, i.e., [u,v] - > [x / Z, Y / Z, 1]. Refer to formula 5.5 in Lecture 14
184          * But notice that a minus sign is added here. The camera coordinate system is z-axis forward, x-axis right, y-axis down by default, and the image coordinate system is in the upper left corner of the image by default,
185      * featuresCur[featureCount].x - kImage[2]First restore the image coordinate system from the upper left corner to the center of the image, and then add a minus sign,
186      * The x-axis negative direction of the default camera coordinate system is taken as the positive direction, and the y-axis is the same. So at this time, the camera coordinate system z-axis is forward, x-axis is left, Y-axis is up
187      */
188         point.u = -(featuresCur[featureCount].x - kImage[2]) / kImage[0];
189         point.v = -(featuresCur[featureCount].y - kImage[5]) / kImage[4];
190         point.ind = featuresInd[featureCount];
191         imagePointsCur->push_back(point);
193         if (i >= recordFeatureNum) {
194           point.u = -(featuresLast[featureCount].x - kImage[2]) / kImage[0];
195           point.v = -(featuresLast[featureCount].y - kImage[5]) / kImage[4];
196           imagePointsLast->push_back(point);
197         }
199         meanShiftX += fabs((featuresCur[featureCount].x - featuresLast[featureCount].x) / kImage[0]);
200         meanShiftY += fabs((featuresCur[featureCount].y - featuresLast[featureCount].y) / kImage[4]);
202         featureCount++;
203         //subregionFeatureNum It is counted according to the number of feature points matching the current frame and the previous frame
204         subregionFeatureNum[ind]++;
205       }
206     }
207   }
208   totalFeatureNum = featureCount;
209   meanShiftX /= totalFeatureNum;
210   meanShiftY /= totalFeatureNum;
212   sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 imagePointsLast2;
213   pcl::toROSMsg(*imagePointsLast, imagePointsLast2);
214   imagePointsLast2.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLast);
215   imagePointsLastPubPointer->publish(imagePointsLast2);
217   //Output one image after two images, such as 0,1 No, 2 out, 3,4 No, 5 Output
218   showCount = (showCount + 1) % (showSkipNum + 1);
219   if (showCount == showSkipNum) {
220     Mat imageShowMat(imageShow);
221     bridge.image = imageShowMat;
222     bridge.encoding = "mono8";
223     sensor_msgs::Image::Ptr imageShowPointer = bridge.toImageMsg();
224     imageShowPubPointer->publish(imageShowPointer);
225   }
226 }
228 int main(int argc, char** argv)
229 {
230   ros::init(argc, argv, "featureTracking");
231   ros::NodeHandle nh;
233   mapx = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
234   mapy = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
235   cvInitUndistortMap(&kMat, &dMat, mapx, mapy);
237   CvSize subregionSize = cvSize((int)subregionWidth, (int)subregionHeight);
238   imageEig = cvCreateImage(subregionSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
239   imageTmp = cvCreateImage(subregionSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
241   CvSize pyrSize = cvSize(imageWidth + 8, imageHeight / 3);
242   pyrCur = cvCreateImage(pyrSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
243   pyrLast = cvCreateImage(pyrSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
245   ros::Subscriber imageDataSub = nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::Image>("/camera/image_raw", 1, imageDataHandler);
247   ros::Publisher imagePointsLastPub = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> ("/image_points_last", 5);
248   imagePointsLastPubPointer = &imagePointsLastPub;
250   ros::Publisher imageShowPub = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::Image>("/image/show", 1);
251   imageShowPubPointer = &imageShowPub;
253   ros::spin();
255   return 0;
256 }

Topics: PCL github encoding