Spring Cloud Sleuth service link tracking

Zipkin service tracking principle Create some tracking identifiers (tracking ID, spanId, parentId), and finally build a request process tree. When each business system calls each other, it will pass specific tracking messages to Zipkin. After Zipkin collects tracking information, it will aggregate, process, store, display, etc. users can easily ...

Posted by Rebelrebellious on Thu, 20 Feb 2020 09:49:41 +0100

The tools that come to mind from a continuous GC and take a long time - jvmkill and jvmquake

Recently, a strange problem occurred in a query microservice online. The number of GCs suddenly increased, and the time consumption of GC also increased. It's not always the problem, but it's reported every other time. View jstat -gcutils 10000: Similar to the following: S0 S1 E O M CCS YGC YGCT FGC FGCT G ...

Posted by d1223m on Mon, 25 Nov 2019 10:49:12 +0100

Lambda, AWS and Python Automation Management Operations - Auto Boot and Shut-down

The last beans have been configured to add boto3 and pyboto3 to PyCharm, so you can write scripts directly in your own PyCharm. Here's an example of traversing all region s to find EC2, turning it off if the state is turned on, or vice versa, turning it on if the state is turned off. import boto3 def lambda_handler(event, context): # Get ...

Posted by BinaryDragon on Sat, 05 Oct 2019 10:58:44 +0200

IDaaS | Easily replace AWS Cognito with Authing + Lambda

Although Amazon Web Services(AWS) is the world's largest market share cloud computing vendor, its products are not perfect either. Cognito (AWS's Identity Certification Solution) and its accompanying Chinese documentation are a negative textbook that is surprisingly difficult to use.Of course, in addition to being not easy to use, there are al ...

Posted by Square1 on Mon, 26 Aug 2019 03:12:11 +0200

Basic understanding and use of Zuul

Why do we need a microservice gateway Different microservices generally have different network addresses, while external clients may need to call multiple service interfaces.Can fulfill a business requirement. For example, a movie ticket collection APP, may call back the movie classification micro service, usersMicroservices, payment microserv ...

Posted by Tarsonis21 on Sun, 28 Jul 2019 13:46:46 +0200