Linux common commands

Basic format of Linux commands The basic format of commands in Linux is: Command [- option] [parameter] For example: ls -la /etc Individual commands do not follow this formatWhen there are multiple options in a single, they can be written togetherShort and full options For example: - a and – all jurisdiction In Linux systems, per ...

Posted by evdawg80 on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 10:26:13 +0100

Install docker and docker compose from the command line in WSL2 (Windows subsystem v2 for Linux)

Note: installing WSL2 requires an operating system: at least Windows 10 1903 (Build 18362).Official installation methodIf you just want to install docker on WSL and use it on windows, it is recommended to refer to the official Microsoft document to install Docker Desktop.address ...

Posted by sgaron on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 03:10:59 +0100

3, shell Scripting

shell command The commands that come with the Shell are called built-in commands, which can be implemented through functions inside the Shell. After the Shell is started, the code corresponding to these commands (function body code) is also loaded into memory, so using built-in commands is very fast. It is essentially a self-contained function ...

Posted by Chalks on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 15:02:55 +0100

git common commands

git common commands git is a distributed version control system git features version control Multi person collaboration Create SSH Key $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" Configure user information $ git config --global "Your Name" $ git config --global "" ## Check the ...

Posted by travelkind on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 07:07:27 +0100

Linux basic commands

Meaning of different file colors Color modification:[root@fyr ~]# ls --color=no / / turn off color [root@fyr ~]# ls --color=yes / / open color Black: ordinary file (e.g. txt)Blue: folderSky blue: linked filesGreen: executableRed: compressed fileYellow: block device files (e.g. hard disk, U SB flash disk) Expansion: -Ordinary ...

Posted by Pro Ninja on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 02:04:38 +0100

shell script -- Operator

Fundamentals of shell programming (shell script learning notes) operator Operators in Shell mainly include comparison operator (for integer comparison), string operator (for string test), file operation operator (for file test), logical operator, arithmetic operator, bit operator, self increasing and self decreasing operator, etc. 1. A ...

Posted by elie on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 21:40:37 +0100

Chapter 6 text processing tool for Shell programming (awk)

1, awk introduction 1. awk overview awk is a programming language, which is mainly used to process text and data under linux/unix. It is a tool under linux/unix. The data can come from standard input, one or more files, or the output of other commands. awk's way of processing text and data: scan the file line by line. By default, from the f ...

Posted by mightymaster on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 05:08:08 +0100

Chapter three is about the definition of variables in Shell topics & four operations

1, SHELL introduction preface: Computers can only recognize (recognize) machine languages (0 and 1), such as (11 million). However, our program apes can't write code like 01 directly. Therefore, if we want to run the code developed by program apes on the computer, we must find a "person" (tool) to translate it into machine language. ...

Posted by elie on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 08:01:16 +0100

Linux learning route 2 [limit resource setting]

preface The limit parameter in Linux can generally be set by ulimit command or editing / etc / security / limits Conf reloads to make it effective ulimit is more direct, but it is only valid in the current session. Limits Conf can make the user take effect in the next login according to the user and restrictions 1, ulimit command 1.1ulim ...

Posted by EdN on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:52:31 +0100

Install NS3 under Ubuntu

Installing NS3 with bake under Ubuntu ns3 Let me have to love, first contact ns3,I hope to study and discuss with my classmates! [note] refer to the NS official website for the following operations: 1) Platform selection Choose Ubuntu here: Depending on the package download, because th ...

Posted by jmelnick on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 17:02:15 +0100