The growth path of Java back-end architect -- Java network programming Netty

Java network programming Netty Analysis of Netty core source code Source code analysis of Netty startup process The overall understanding of the Demo source startup class of Echo program Source code analysis of NioEventLoopGroup ServerBootstrap creation and build process Source code analysis of bin ...

Posted by fresch on Thu, 25 Jun 2020 13:58:26 +0200

java SPI 03-ServiceLoader jdk Source Parsing

Series Catalog What is spi 01-spi?Getting Started spi 02-spi battle resolution slf4j package conflict problem spi 03-spi jdk for source code parsing spi 04-spi dubbo for source code resolution spi 05-dubbo adaptive extension adaptive expansion spi 06 - Implement SPI framework from scratch spi 07-Automatically generate SPI profile implementatio ...

Posted by frizzo on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 20:26:14 +0200

Dubbo RPC communication of Spring Cloud series

About Dubbo       Official website:   Github: On February 15, 2018, dubbo, Alibaba's service governance framework, successfully became an Apache foundation incubation project. Apache Dubbo is a high-performance and lightweight open source Java RPC framework, which provides th ...

Posted by bitt3n on Wed, 17 Jun 2020 04:52:16 +0200

Implement an RPC framework one by one--Learn java spi

Preface It's a good idea to understand the java spi(service provider interface) mechanism before going into dubbo source code. Simply put, spi can help us load the interface implementation classes described in the specified file. Hmm... That's it? Isn't that easy, even though I'm a vegetable melon, I know it Class.forName Oops~Let's study it th ...

Posted by wrequed on Mon, 15 Jun 2020 03:44:49 +0200

A Probe into Davids'Principles: Dubbo Service Exposure, Consumption and Elegant Downtime Principles

Article Directory Dubbo Service Exposure and Service Consumption Principles (Based on Dubbo 2.6.5) Configuration parsing principles Based on XML Configuration Parsing Principle schema module description Configuration parsing principles based on annotations @EnableDubbo Role of ServiceAnnotationBe ...

Posted by cyronuts on Fri, 12 Jun 2020 04:06:57 +0200

Implementing counters in Java multithreads using the JDK built-in tool class

Preface In the actual development process, we often encounter businesses that require multi-threaded concurrency. Finally, we need to summarize the tasks completed by each thread, but the main thread usually ends earlier than the sub-threads. If you want to wait for each sub-thread to finish before running the main thread, you need to identify ...

Posted by freedomclan on Mon, 25 May 2020 18:56:38 +0200

Simple Java implementation of Netty for communication

Using Java to build a simple example of Netty communication Students who have seen the dubbo source code should know that the underlying communication using the dubbo protocol is to use netty for interaction. Recently, after reading the netty part of dubbo, they wrote a simple example of netty communication. Source address of this paper: implem ...

Posted by PlasmaDragon on Sat, 16 May 2020 13:09:58 +0200

Simple application of Dubbo+ZooKeeper

1. What we want to achieve ​ Provider: the service provider that exposes the service. I create a Module named news provider to implement it. Consumer: the service consumer that calls the remote service. I create a Module named news consumer to implement it. Registry: the Registration Center for service registration and discovery, which is imp ...

Posted by xenoalien on Wed, 06 May 2020 08:31:48 +0200

Analyzing the process of dubbo service registering to nacos

We talked about the migration of our dubbo service from redis to Nacos registry. After the migration, we found that an exception of ERROR - [CLIENT-BEAT] failed to send beat: would be thrown from time to time. Therefore, with this analysis process, we found out that the exception is our SLB network mapping proble ...

Posted by juhl on Wed, 15 Apr 2020 13:55:37 +0200

Solve Bug Path - dubbo apps cannot reconnect zookeeper

Preface Dubbo is a mature and widely used framework.Rao is such that in some extreme cases dubbo-based applications will also have the problem of not being able to reconnect zookeeper.Because this problem is easy to cause relatively large failures, the author has spent a lot of time to locate, and now will write a blog to share the investigatio ...

Posted by rschneid on Tue, 07 Apr 2020 05:02:01 +0200