Write a Gin application running on the Kubernetes cluster from scratch

Experimental premise You need to have a macOS development environment. This article takes this as an example. Please build other types of development environments by yourself.You need to know something about YAML, a language specially used to write configuration files.You need to have some basic knowledge of Docker.You need to understand some ...

Posted by nileshkulkarni on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 20:02:52 +0100

Gin security chapter-2: fast implementation of server-side JWT verification

introduceThis article describes how to rk-boot Implement the server JWT verification logic.What is JWT?JSON network token is an Internet standard used to create data with optional signature or optional encryption so that claims can be safely represented between two parties. The token is signed with a private secret or public / private key.In sh ...

Posted by GameYin on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 21:43:37 +0100

Gin Framework: Turn on TLS/SSL

introduceIn a complete example, turning on TLS/SSL in the Gin framework is what we call https.We will use rk-boot To start the microservice for the Gin Framework.Visit the following address for the complete tutorial:https://rkdocs.netlify.app/cnGenerate Self-Signed CertificateUsers can purchase certificates from major cloud vendors or use them ...

Posted by seenu_vas80 on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 05:00:55 +0100

Gin Framework: Distinguish profiles based on cloud native environments

introduceUsing a complete example, in the Gin framework, profiles are distinguished based on the environment. That is, how to read different profiles in environments such as Testing and Online.We will use rk-boot To start the Gin Framework microservice.Visit the following address for the complete tutorial:https://rkdocs.netlify.app/cninstallgo ...

Posted by celsoendo on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 22:34:40 +0100