shader Programming-RayMarching and Blinn-Phong Lighting Models to Build 3D Scenes (WebGL-Shader Development Foundation 08)

1. demo overview and effects The last article studied RayMarching, but the effect of the scene was black and white. Based on the previous article, this article improves it by using the Blinn-Phong lighting model to render objects of different colors. Below is the final effect of demo. Different objects have their own colors shader-bl ...

Posted by genix2011 on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 18:57:00 +0100

Qt5+OpenGL ES2.0 realizes color cube display, zoom, rotation and drag translation

Record the problems and solutions encountered in the development of Qt learning Environment: qt5.12.9 qtcreater4.12.2 mingw7.3.0 Considering the low efficiency of using OpenGL fixed pipeline to draw images, I have always wanted to learn to use OpenGL ES2.0 for image rendering. There are not enough reference materials on the Internet, and I la ...

Posted by QuietWhistler on Thu, 11 Nov 2021 08:30:24 +0100

Qt based OpenGL: QOpenGLShaderProgram and GLSL

Qoopenglshaderprogram encapsulates the compilation process of ShaderProgram. Whether it is loading SourceCode or SourceFile, Qt encapsulation is very good. If it is not encapsulated, the code will be written into the string as shown in the figure below. There is no color identification, and there must be a newline character on each line, which ...

Posted by jabba_29 on Sun, 03 Oct 2021 20:30:23 +0200