java foundation -- if, switch statement programming problem

Knowledge points if judgment statement Topic 1 (training) Li Lei wants to buy a new mobile phone with a value of 7988 yuan. Her old mobile phone can sell for 1500 yuan in the second-hand market, and the mobile phone store offers the discount of exchanging the old for the new. If she gives her old mobile phone to the store, the new mobile pho ...

Posted by malcx on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 10:04:49 +0100

java foundation -- 3if statement programming problem

java foundation - 3if statement programming problem if judgment statement Topic 1 (training) Li Lei wants to buy a new mobile phone with a value of 7988 yuan. Her old mobile phone can sell for 1500 yuan in the second-hand market, and the mobile phone store offers the discount of exchanging the old for the new. If she gives her old mobile pho ...

Posted by cypher235 on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 09:50:00 +0100

Detailed steps for integrating Mybatis using SpringBoot

Step 1: configure pom file, and configure mybatis and database related dependencies Here, mybatis uses version 3.4.5. Note: mybatis 3 @ Mapper annotation is only supported for versions above 4.0 Relevant dependency codes are as follows: <dependency> <groupId>org.mybatis</groupId> <artifactId> ...

Posted by jschultz on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 09:20:09 +0100

Can you use the server free function of puppeter to build a linked browser

In this tutorial, we will learn how to deploy server functionality next to the front-end application and create an API to generate images and get metadata from links. With serverless functionality, developers can create and implement modern features and functions in their applications without the pain of setting up and managing back-end server ...

Posted by 2tonejoe on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 09:14:40 +0100

Two transactions in Spring

16.Spring transactions 1. Transaction control in spring Spring's transaction control can be divided into programmatic transaction control and declarative transaction control. Programming Developers directly couple the transaction code and business code, which is not needed in actual development. Declarative Developers use configuration to ...

Posted by drayarms on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 08:58:05 +0100

mybatis review of ssm review

1: Link to idea database 2: The first mybatis process 1: The package and xml interceptor required by Maven are intercepted and scanned <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven. ...

Posted by Fruct0se on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 08:38:49 +0100

JAVA300 set basic knowledge learning

Algorithm website: Chapter 5 advanced JAVA object-oriented programming To create a new package, write it upside down according to the domain name to ensure that the package is unique You can create new classes in the package. The directory tree is shown in the figure below 5.2 5.2.3 = = and equals methods ...

Posted by sprocket on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 08:17:33 +0100

Java Architect factory interview deadly ten consecutive questions, can you answer it?

1. What is cache avalanche? How? Usually, we use cache to buffer the impact on DB. If the cache goes down, all requests will be directly sent to DB, resulting in DB downtime - leading to the downtime of the whole system. How to solve it? Two strategies (used simultaneously): Make cache highly available to prevent cache downtimeUsing ...

Posted by yarin on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 08:08:46 +0100

Four usages of Static keyword in Java

Among the keywords of java, static and final are two keywords that we must master. Different from other keywords, they have a variety of uses, and when used in a certain environment, they can improve the running performance of the program and optimize the structure of the program. Let's first learn about the static keyword and its usage. stati ...

Posted by Mce on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 07:29:53 +0100

Using visual VM to remotely monitor the server status (graphical interface)

Using visual VM to remotely monitor the server status (graphical interface) Purpose: View the current tomcatcup, number of threads, and heap usage All threads can be viewed in the background if the current thread card is referenced View current GC status The stack and heap can be sampled to check memory overflow and other problems H ...

Posted by jcornett on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 06:44:17 +0100