Writing Appium tests with Kotlin

Kotlin Is a modern programming language that focuses on simplicity, clarity and code security. Google officially adopted Kotlin by adding support to Android Studio in 2017, and then announced it as the preferred language for Android developers on Google I/O 2019. Perhaps your Android application team has gradually added Kotlin code to your pr ...

Posted by varun_146100 on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 15:42:17 +0100

Use of Android Jetpack Room

The official website link uses Room to save data to the local database | Android Developers | Android Developers https://developer.android.google.cn/training/data-storage/room?hl=zh_cn Room is used to process the database. It provides an abstraction layer on SQLite to make full use of the powerful functions of SQLite and smoothly access the da ...

Posted by bubblybabs on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:00:12 +0100

Composite multiplatform supporting PC, Web and Android enters Alpha version

Original link: https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2021/08/compose-multiplatform-goes-alpha/ The release of Compose Multiplatform marks a new step forward in developing unified UI support using Kotlin! Based on Google released Jetpack Compose Android 1.0 stable Premise: Compose for Desktop and Compose for Web have been upgraded to Alpha ver ...

Posted by mosherben on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 19:37:20 +0100

Kotlin in Android cultivation manual - [class and object], [Get and Set], [inheritance], [interface], [abstract class / nested class / inner class], [data class] and [generic]

My flag is still standing here. Do you see, my spear is still sharp, but I can't wave it for you anymore, so I build a high wall, wait, wait, the moment I unload it for you. Sharing of previous articles Click jump = > stay up late and fight Android again from bronze to King - development efficiency plug-in Click jump = > unity part ...

Posted by futurshox on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 05:07:46 +0100

Use of Android Jetpack WorkManager

The official website link uses WorkManager to schedule tasks | Android Developers | Android Developers https://developer.android.google.cn/topic/libraries/architecture/workmanager WorkManager is an API that allows you to easily schedule reliable asynchronous tasks that should run even after exiting the application or restarting the device. Wo ...

Posted by mr02077 on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 08:26:52 +0100

Use Android SAF (storage access framework) to restrict the access of game anti harmony (pride of Eden) / Android data directory

Recently, I was playing a mobile game. The pride of Eden and some vertical paintings in the Japanese service client were slightly exposed. After the national service went online, it was harmoniously (added cloth) But the great gods of nga always have a way to solve it. A big man provides an anti harmony method: It is roughly to extract th ...

Posted by Pickle on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 00:40:59 +0100

kotlin_ Synergetic process_ concept

Reprinted from: https://www.jianshu.com/p/b8a3a42eea4c kotlin coprocess concept 1, Kotlin synergy concept Kotlin coroutine provides a new way to deal with concurrency. You can use it on Android platform to simplify asynchronous code execution. Coprocessing was introduced from kotlin version 1.3, but this concept existed at the dawn of the ...

Posted by thread_PHP on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 11:09:48 +0100

Android developers reread design mode: write an upload decoupling library to practice

Last week, I finally finished reading the beauty of design patterns. I always wanted to write something to practice. It happened that I wanted to reconstruct the company's upload library recently, so I had this article. (it's just for learning and practicing. If you have any suggestions, the architecture boss can spray it gently) 0x1. Miscella ...

Posted by csatucd on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 04:25:17 +0100

Android kotlin: beginners can understand it. Analysis of real interview questions of aliqiu recruitment

1. Remote control story: Generic Girlfriend: I really want a universal remote control. Me: why don't I teach you to implement one with Kotlin's generics! Girlfriend: cut, you want to fool me to learn Kotlin. [white eyes] Me: it's really simple. I'm sure you'll see it at a glance. 1-1 generic class Me: This is a universal remote ...

Posted by dustbuster on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 01:05:23 +0100

Kotlin - coprocessor and operator overloading, interview video for Java senior engineer

Relationship and difference between coroutine and thread In OS, process is the smallest unit of resource allocation, and thread is the smallest unit of task scheduling. A coroutine is a * * "micro thread", or lightweight thread * *, inside a thread. Because threads are scarce resources in the OS, the number of threads on all OS platf ...

Posted by drums on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 23:41:44 +0100