v78.01 Hongmeng kernel source code analysis (message mapping) | analyze LiteIpc process communication mechanism | 100 blogs analyze OpenHarmony source code

One hundred blog Analysis | this article is: (message mapping) | analyze the process communication mechanism of liteipc (Part 2) Related articles of process communication are: v26.08 Hongmeng kernel source code analysis (spin lock) | be a good comrade of chastity archway v27.05 Hongmeng kernel source code analysis (mutex lock) | it's ...

Posted by ShiloVir on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 06:21:57 +0100

Learning notes for the introduction to LiteOS - environment construction

preface Taking time to study and compare several RTOS, such as RT thread, FreeRTOS, LiteOS, etc., we found that LiteOS is also quite good. So download the source code, view the documents, configure the development environment, and start the learning journey of LiteOS.   Environment construction The development of embedded software requires ...

Posted by volant on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 17:42:34 +0100

Hongmeng light kernel source code analysis: Virtual File System VFS

This article is shared from Huawei cloud community Hongmeng light kernel M-core source code analysis series 21 01 Virtual File System VFS , author: zhushy. VFS (Virtual File System) is the virtual layer of the file system. It is not an actual file system, but a software adhesive layer on the heterogeneous file system, which provides users with ...

Posted by gelwa on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 12:26:09 +0100

v74.01 Hongmeng kernel source code analysis (console article) | a concept that makes many people vague | 100 blogs analyze OpenHarmony source code

Analysis of 100 blogs This article is: (console article) | a concept that makes many people vague Relevant articles of the file system are: v62.02 Hongmeng kernel source code analysis (file concept) | why do you say everything is a file v63.04 Hongmeng kernel source code analysis (file system) | using library management to say file sys ...

Posted by dotty on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 05:17:31 +0100