Software security experiment -- LAN DDoS attack

Experimental task The IP address in the LAN is 10.12 186.186 host (firewall closed) initiates DDoS attack based on network traffic. Experimental process DoS attack and DDoS attack DOS is short for Denial of Service. The attack that causes DOS is called DoS attack. Its purpose is to make the computer or network unable to provide normal s ...

Posted by ureck on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 02:08:25 +0100

Linux tips -- analog ping of raw socket

Raw socket raw socket In recent years, the main idea of scanning the surviving host is to simulate the ICMP message through socket, and then discover a new world of socket -- raw socket. raw socket, that is, the original socket, can receive data frames or packets on the local network card. It is very useful for monitoring network traffic a ...

Posted by Michael Lasky on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 23:27:34 +0100