RabbitMQ5/5--RabbitMQ delay queue optimization (plug-in installation)

Normal delay queue concept The delay queue is orderly inside. The most important feature is reflected in its delay attribute. The elements in the delay queue are hope After or before the specified time, the delay queue is simply used to store the data that needs to be processed at the specified time Queue of elements. Usage scenario If ...

Posted by harty83 on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 04:38:34 +0100

RabbitMQ learning -- learning of delay queue

Concept of delay queue The delay queue is orderly. Its most important feature is reflected in its delay attribute. The elements in the delay queue * * want to be taken out and processed after or before the specified time. In short, the delay queue is a queue used to store the elements that need to be processed at the specified time. Delay que ...

Posted by sickness01 on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 08:12:01 +0100

RabbitMQ delay queue

1 delay queue concept The delay queue is orderly. The most important feature is reflected in its delay attribute. The elements in the delay queue want to be taken out and processed after or before the specified time. In short, the delay queue is a queue used to store the elements that need to be processed at the specified time. 2 delay q ...

Posted by mikejs on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 09:38:41 +0100

RabbitMQ's death queue

1 concept of dead letter    first clarify the definition from the conceptual explanation. Dead letter, as the name suggests, is information that cannot be consumed. The literal meaning can be understood as follows. Generally speaking, the producer delivers messages to the broker or directly to the queue, and the consumer takes messag ...

Posted by dmort on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 17:19:43 +0100

RabbitMq Guide: completely solve the problem of message reliability and implement delay queue

introduction You must be familiar with RabbitMq. We often use it for asynchronous communication between services, such as SMS, log, e-mail sending and other business scenarios. However, in the process of using RabbitMq, we will encounter the problem of message loss and the need to delay consuming messages. I believe you will find the answer yo ...

Posted by sameveritt on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:05:44 +0100

RabbitMQ basic introduction and download

catalogue concept Four concepts Producer Switch Queue Consumer Six modes working principle Download Installation Docker installing RabbitMQ concept Rabbit is a message oriented middleware that can accept and forward messages. You can regard it as an express site. When you want to send a package, you put your package in the expre ...

Posted by Death_Octimus on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 12:35:40 +0100

The most complete RabbitMQ introductory tutorial in history takes you in-depth study from scratch - release confirmation

RabbitMQ (VII) - release confirmation Release confirmation principle The producer sets the channel to confirm mode. Once the channel enters the confirm mode, all messages published on the channel will be assigned a unique ID (starting from 1). Once the message is delivered to all matching queues, the broker will send a confirmation to the pro ...

Posted by ViN86 on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 23:52:06 +0100

Rabbitmq: III. work queue mode, message response, persistence and release confirmation

3, Work Queues mode The main idea of work queue (also known as task queue) is to avoid executing resource intensive tasks immediately and having to wait for them to complete. Instead, we arranged for the task to be carried out later. We encapsulate the task as a message and send it to the queue. The worker process running in the background wil ...

Posted by osti on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 19:39:10 +0100

RabbitMQ deferred message implementation

What is a delay queue:    delay queue, first of all, it is a queue. Queue means that the internal elements are orderly, the outgoing and incoming elements are directional, and the elements enter from one end and take out from the other end.    secondly, the most important feature of delay queue is its delay attribute. Unli ...

Posted by GYK on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 08:41:25 +0100

Publisher confirmation

Publisher confirmation Publisher confirms(using the java client) Publisher validation is an extension of rabbitMQ for reliable publishing. When publisher acknowledgement is enabled on the channel, messages published by the client will be asynchronously acknowledged by the agent, which means that they will be processed by the server. ...

Posted by shazly on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 04:17:30 +0100