ROS Basic Concepts, File System, Create ROS Package, Some Commands in ROS

ROS Basic Concepts File System Create some commands in ROS package ROS What is ROS ROS File System File system tools: rospack, roscd, rosls Create ROS Package What is catkin Create and build a catkin workspace: The structure of catkin package Structure for storing software packages in the catkin workspace Create catkin package-catkin_cre ...

Posted by welshmike on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 18:04:10 +0100

[Package] RosBridge -- break through the data barrier between Ros and non Ros environments #2, and implement the function ppianpak / rosbridgecpp on the C + + side

1 Overview In the last article [Package] RosBridge -- break through the data barrier between Ros and non Ros environment In this article, I introduced how to conduct data communication between non Ros and Ros systems through RosBridge, and realized half of the communication architecture, that is, the left half of the picture. In this article, ...

Posted by west4me on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 05:49:46 +0100

Installation tutorial of ROS1 and ROS2

         catalogue 1, Preparatory work 1. Corresponding ubuntu version of ros1: 2.ros2 corresponding ubuntu version: 3. Installation of Ubuntu 2, Installation of ROS1 1. Instructions for official installation of ROS: 2. Installation steps of ROS # melody: (1) install ros source (2 ...

Posted by grandman on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 18:55:53 +0100

ROS Noetic getting started notes simple Publisher and Suscriber written in Python

1. Create Publisher (1) Create the scripts directory under the feature pack Jump to begin using roscd_ Tutorials Feature Pack directory $ roscd beginner_tutorials Use the mkdir command to create a scripts directory for our Python scripts $ mkdir scripts $ cd scripts (2) Download the sample Python script talker Py to the s ...

Posted by ukphoto on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 23:03:08 +0100

Dark Blue College - handwritten VIO assignment - Chapter 2

1, Basic work, required Environment configuration description a. ROS environment construction For the installation and configuration of ros, refer to the following blog: ROS installation Problems encountered in ROS installation If the rospack package cannot be found, you can execute the following command to add the package to the en ...

Posted by driver_x on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 21:51:17 +0100

ROS tutorial

ROS itself provides a point-to-point network to jointly process data. Its basic concepts include node, master node, parameter server, message, service, topic, package and so on. Use separately rospack - get package related information: View package dependencies, roscd - switch to the package directory rosls - view package files rosnode - view ...

Posted by caraldur on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 14:28:24 +0100

Detailed use of basic functions of ROS system (basic instructions / nodes / services / startup files / dynamic parameters)

1, Create workspace 1. Create a new folder Create a new catkin_ws folder and create src subdirectory in it. mkdir -p ~/dev/catkin_ws/src cd ~/dev/catkin_ws/src 2. Initialize workspace In the src subdirectory just created, use the following command to create a workspace, but there is no function package in the workspace at this time, onl ...

Posted by youqing on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 02:30:54 +0200