Three common encryption functions in PHP

PHP encryption function - md5() function encryption instance usage MD5() function is the MD5 hash value of calculator string. Using MD5 algorithm, the full name of MD5 is message digest algorithm 5. Its function is to calculate data information of different length into a 128 bit value through a series of algorithms, that is, to change a byte st ...

Posted by DavidAM on Fri, 15 May 2020 12:03:01 +0200

Python - Cryptographic programming

1. Introduction Information encryption and information hiding are the main means to achieve information security and confidentiality.A large number of encryption algorithms and methods for hiding information have been invented since ancient times.For example, if you wrap a screw of paper around a stick and write on it, spread it out and pass it ...

Posted by thefamouseric on Thu, 16 Apr 2020 03:45:00 +0200

Creating WebSocket service with Go language

Thank you for your reference- Today, I introduce how to create WebSocket service with Go language. The first two parts of this article briefly introduce the WebSocket protocol and how to create WebSocket service with Go standard library. In the third part, we use the gorilla/websocket library ...

Posted by CAPTAINCAPSLOCK on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 09:03:45 +0200

Python 3 standard library: hashlib password hash

1. hashlib password hash The hashlib module defines an API to access different cryptographic hashing algorithms. To use a specific hash algorithm, create a hash object with the appropriate constructor function or new(). No matter which specific algorithm is used, these objects use the same API. 1.1 hash algorithm Because hashlib has OpenSSL to ...

Posted by JustGotAQuestion on Sat, 28 Mar 2020 11:28:43 +0100

java WeChat official account access

a. WeChat official account 1. It is divided into service number, subscription number, applet and enterprise wechat; 2. when users send messages to WeChat official account, they send the message to WeChat server. The administrator of the official account saves the specified rules on the management pl ...

Posted by yddib on Sun, 15 Mar 2020 10:00:34 +0100

WeChat official account interface development -- reply message

WeChat official account interface development - reply message As a WeChat official account, interaction with users is very important. For example, according to the message sent by users and the user information (text, pictures, videos, pictures, etc.) that are passively answered by push events, I have ...

Posted by Mouse on Tue, 18 Feb 2020 14:07:56 +0100

C language AES algorithm implementation (based on Mbedtls)

In recent projects, AES algorithm needs to be implemented by C language. Here I implement it by Mbedtls library. 1. Download Mbedtls First, we put the Mbedtls code into the project, and the related transmission gates are as follows: Official download address of Mbedtls The official website is slo ...

Posted by kiosklim on Tue, 21 Jan 2020 15:48:54 +0100

Brief introduction of linux gcc strip command

Reading catalogue strip introduction strip example strip command usage Whether to strip in program development Reference material strip introduction strip is often used to remove some symbol table and debug symbol table information from the target file, so as to reduce the size of static librar ...

Posted by Deserteye on Thu, 16 Jan 2020 10:10:01 +0100

Wechat opens static page to share with friends

First of all, we need to add a share button in the upper right corner of the original homepage, and then we need to click it to pop up wechat's own function of sharing to friends. At first glance, it seems not difficult. There was no wechat related development experience before, but it took three days to do well. Let's start w ...

Posted by jonstu on Tue, 07 Jan 2020 05:00:32 +0100

Dried food! Detailed explanation of the development of token verification interface for flash login and registration

Today, I present the development of login and registration interface, which is based on token verification. Let's talk less and get to the point! First look at the database model: #pip install passlib from passlib.apps import custom_app_context as pwd_context class Shop_list(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'shop_list' userName = db.Column(db ...

Posted by greatstar00 on Wed, 04 Dec 2019 04:25:22 +0100