Deploying fragmented clusters using keyfile

Deploy Sharded Cluster with Keyfile Access Control 1. Create a configuration server replication set 1.1 Create database folders mkdir -p /configdb/{conf,data,log} 1.2 Generate keyfile file openssl rand -base64 756 > /db/conf/keyfile chmod 400 /db/conf/keyfile After generation, all nodes in the cluster use the ...

Posted by esfisher on Thu, 16 May 2019 10:52:31 +0200

SFTP Introduction Guide

By Hua Hua - December, 5th 2015 What is? SFTP ? In understanding SFTP Before that, let's look at what it is. FTP . FTP( File Transfer Protocol )File Transfer Protocol It is a method commonly used to transfer files between two terminal systems. SFTP ...

Posted by Sprout on Wed, 15 May 2019 07:44:19 +0200

Open exe in the web page

                     Can you open the local exe file on the web page? Simon said: Yes. The methods are as follows:   1. Define a private protocol that points to the local exe 2. Use this private protocol as a URL on the web page and click on it to open the exe. 3. The URL can also contain parameters that are passed to the exe 1 ...

Posted by RussW on Tue, 14 May 2019 12:08:09 +0200

ubuntu 18.04 Software Installation Record

System mirroring The i386 in the Ubuntu image file is the i386 level CPU instruction set program of intel's x86 architecture.The corresponding is amd64, which is the 64-bit instruction set of x86 extended by amd. Also, ppc is very common. This is the instruction set for IBM's PowerCPU architecture.Intel has used 8086, 80286, 80386 and so on as ...

Posted by Dan39 on Sun, 12 May 2019 09:59:22 +0200

Operation and Application Instance in shell Based on linux

Operation modes and symbols: Operational Symbolic Meaning (*Common for Marking) +, -addition, subtraction *, /,%Multiplication, Division, Remaining **Power operation ++, --self-increasing, self-decreasing <,<=,>,>=Comparison Symbol =, +=, -=, *=, /=,%=assignment For example, a+=1 equals a=a+1 Common operatio ...

Posted by superdan_35 on Sat, 11 May 2019 20:20:51 +0200

Use profiles to specify environment profiles in Spring+Dubbo services

Spring provides profile features to isolate our configuration files so that the corresponding configuration items can be activated in different environments; it is easy to achieve uniform deployment of different configuration items in different environments; Recently, in spring+dubbo's service project, we want to load differen ...

Posted by John Canyon on Fri, 10 May 2019 23:02:27 +0200

Taste MongoDB: Operations (2)

Catalog 4. Update data 4. Update data (1)update() In MongoDB, update() functions can be used to perform data update operations. The function takes three main parameters: criteria, objNew and option. The parameter criteria can be used to specify a query that selects the target record to be updated. Use the objNew parameter t ...

Posted by jrschwartz on Fri, 10 May 2019 20:54:09 +0200

Linux ctrl-c explain (ctrl-c detail)

Catalog 1 Background posture 2 foreplay 3 dinner 4 systemctl stop docker 5 demo 1 Background posture drive Driver, full name device driver, is a special program added to the operating system, which contains information about hardware devices. This information enables the computer to communicate with the corresponding equipment. interrupt A w ...

Posted by shenmue232 on Fri, 10 May 2019 16:38:56 +0200

Java core technology inheritance and polymorphism, overloading and rewriting, abstract classes and interfaces

Class inheritance As for the definition of inheritance of classes, we can understand it more or less as the relationship between father and son. Sons will inherit the attributes and methods of father. The father is the father and the son is the child. Their relationship is the inheritance relationship. Xiaobian here is a Jav ...

Posted by fredi_bieging on Fri, 10 May 2019 13:50:02 +0200

saltstack's salt-ssh (Update at any time)

Salt introduces a powerful message queue as a communication transmission mechanism. Sometimes we need old tools to be more effective -- salt ssh. Official documents salt is designed to connect a large number of remote hosts at one time, while SSH (security shell is short for Secure she ...

Posted by tomwerner on Wed, 08 May 2019 17:54:04 +0200