Getting Started with Hardhat The ETF Smart Contract

Overview of 0x1 When I started ETF Intelligence Contract Development, I first faced a choice, Hardhat Vs Truffle Vs Remix, which development tool should I choose. I searched Google for a lot of comparisons, including Holliville Valdez's " Hardhat Vs Truffle Vs Remix - Which Is The Best For Blockchain Development?> This article helped me ...

Posted by hiroshi_satori on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 18:54:16 +0100

Solid advanced programming | pay attention to the details in the contract

Supplementary knowledge: If the transfer is not related to the deployer, it is related to the trader!Gas is a unit of measurement in Ethereum network. It is an indicator designed to quantify computing power consumption. That is to say, with gas as the unit of calculation, we can easily calculate how much gas costs users need to pay to comp ...

Posted by kaushikgotecha on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 20:15:30 +0100