Lessons 74: Introduction to 20.27 Distribution System, 20.28 expect script remote login, 20.29 expect script remote execution command, 20.30 expect script pass parameters

20.27 Distribution System Introduction   Distribution system, in what scenarios For example, companies are doing more and more business. The programming language of their website or App is PHP, so to run this environment, PHP code needs to configure the environment of LAMP or LNMP, and code needs to be uploaded to the server, which is a web ...

Posted by sitorush on Thu, 23 May 2019 18:38:33 +0200

kvm installation and thermal migration

Address planning: kvm112: kvm113: nfs101: The experimental steps are as follows: Deploying kvm environments on 112 and 113, Create a virtual machine vm1 locally at 112. Create a snapshot named first for vm1. Publish shared directories on 101. Create nfs-based storage pool on ...

Posted by rwachowiak on Sat, 18 May 2019 23:21:01 +0200

Linux password modification is a solution to the problem of prompting "passwd: identifying token operation errors"

This morning, I suddenly wanted to change the password of an ordinary user. When root logged in and typed in the password command, I found that it prompted "passwd: authentication token operation error". [root@Geeklp-Administrator ~]# passwd Geeklp Change user Geeklp's password. New password: Invalid passw ...

Posted by andrewmcgibbon on Sat, 18 May 2019 17:56:05 +0200

37:rsync Tools and Common Options

1. rsync: remove sync (remote synchronization), data backup tools, can achieve local synchronization and remote synchronization, synchronization can be incremental synchronization, only synchronize different data, that is, only synchronize two different parts of the file, so the speed is very fast: Five command formats for rsync: Note: src rep ...

Posted by TheBrandon on Sat, 18 May 2019 04:20:32 +0200

Setting up a hadoop cluster environment with a single machine

One preparation First create the folder with the following structure: weim@weim:~/myopt$ ls ubuntu1 ubuntu2 ubuntu3 And extract the downloaded JDK (version: 8u172), Hadoop (version: hadoop-2.9.1) into three folders, as follows: weim@weim:~/myopt$ ls ubuntu1 hadoop jdk weim@weim:~/myopt$ ls ubuntu2 hadoop jdk weim@weim:~/myopt$ ls ubuntu ...

Posted by pmzq on Thu, 16 May 2019 05:04:16 +0200

SFTP Introduction Guide

By Hua Hua - December, 5th 2015 What is? SFTP ? In understanding SFTP Before that, let's look at what it is. FTP . FTP( File Transfer Protocol )File Transfer Protocol It is a method commonly used to transfer files between two terminal systems. SFTP ...

Posted by Sprout on Wed, 15 May 2019 07:44:19 +0200

saltstack's salt-ssh (Update at any time)

Salt introduces a powerful message queue as a communication transmission mechanism. Sometimes we need old tools to be more effective -- salt ssh. Official documents https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/ssh/index.html salt is designed to connect a large number of remote hosts at one time, while SSH (security shell is short for Secure she ...

Posted by tomwerner on Wed, 08 May 2019 17:54:04 +0200