Several ways of creating threads in Java

1, Inherit Thread class The Thread class essentially implements an instance of the Runnable interface. It starts a new Thread by inheriting the Thread class and copying the run method. Calling the start method tells the CPU that the Thread is ready to execute, and then the system will execute its run method when it has time. Directly calling t ...

Posted by tjg73 on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 06:06:26 +0100

Multithreading and high concurrency section 1, summary of classroom knowledge 21.08.01

Understanding concurrency and parallelism Concurrency refers to the execution of multiple tasks at the same time for a CPU - in essence, it is divided into time slices. Because the time is very short, it gives the impression that it is executed at the same time; Parallel is for multiple CPUs to execute multiple tasks at the same time (one ...

Posted by Ollie Saunders on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 18:20:28 +0100

Simple thread pool

outline According to Anthony Williams's "C + + concurrent programming practice", One worker thread operates at the head of the task queue, while other worker threads operate at the end of the task queue. This actually means that the queue is a last in, first out stack for owning threads. The tasks recently put in the queue will be ta ...

Posted by QWERTYtech on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 22:19:57 +0100

Thread in SylixOS [5] - end of thread

summary The end of a thread means the end of the thread life cycle. Thread termination includes thread cancellation, thread exit and thread deletion. APIexplainAPI_ThreadDeleteThread delete function.API_ThreadForceDeleteThread force delete function.API_ThreadExitThe thread exited itself.exitKernel thread or process exit_exitThe kernel thread ...

Posted by lpxxfaintxx on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 22:47:24 +0100

Interesting talk on IllegalMonitorStateException -- the usage of notify()/notifyAll() and wait()

Most of them are generated in the use of wait() and notify()? The reason for the error is: synchronized(A) and B.wait(),A and B should be the same object. If you search this and report an error, I think your foundation should not be very good. So keep looking. So this article talks about how to correctly use notify()/notifyAll() and wait(). ...

Posted by cmp241 on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 15:29:00 +0100

Thread in SylixOS [2] - thread attribute block and operation

Thread attribute block Each SylixOS thread has its own properties, including thread priority, stack information, thread parameters, etc. Each thread attribute block consists of a structure LW_CLASS_THREADATTR is composed of the following members: typedef struct { PLW_STACK THREADATTR_pstkLowAddr; /* Low memory start address of all stack are ...

Posted by etsauer on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 08:14:02 +0100

DelayQueue delay queue

DelayQueue is a class that implements the BlockingQueue interface. It is also a blocking queue, but it also has some unique functions, that is, when obtaining elements, it is necessary to detect whether the elements reach the delay time. If the delay time is not reached, the elements cannot be obtained. The elements in the queue need to implem ...

Posted by erwt on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 00:12:19 +0100

7 cases of multithreaded and concurrent-multithreaded access synchronization methods

Don't be tedious, let's get started! 1. Synchronization method for two threads accessing an object at the same time Code: public class SynchronizedObjectMethod implements Runnable { static SynchronizedObjectMethod instance = new SynchronizedObjectMethod(); @Override public void run() { method(); } public synchro ...

Posted by jaapoost on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 05:50:32 +0200