Eight methods of obtaining user ID in WordPress

During the development of wordpress theme, the frequency of obtaining user ID is very high. You can view user information in WordPress or obtain it directly through code.1, Find the user ID in the WordPress background areaThis is a very simple method, which can only be viewed by users with background management permission.1. Log in to WordPress ...

Posted by Protato on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 07:43:44 +0100

Use k8s to build a wordpress version of https without pits

I didn't expect that it took so long to use k8s to build https version of wordpress, and I also caught up with my friend Mr. slash. Since it's so troublesome, let's record it. Welcome to reprint, please indicate the source, thank you. As for why our website has hidden the server version, but this article generously gives the actual version. Th ...

Posted by venom999 on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 20:04:44 +0100