Scientific research basis: Latex environment configuration teaching + Zotero Teaching

Some students do scientific research, and the tutor never teaches us how to do it. Some tools are essential for scientific research, but it takes time to explore by myself, so I made a summary of scientific research tools to teach you how to use them. include: sic-hub , latex , zotero Latex latex is an editor for journal writing. Don't ...

Posted by kokomo310 on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 15:53:38 +0100

Zutilo's advanced extensions use Quick Copy alt1 alt2

preface summary Zotero is an open-source document management software. When using Endnote, the author encountered an unhandled bug (after the Seafile cloud disk synchronization failed, the three local computers and the cloud disk involved in the synchronization lost all the paper item information and could not be recovered). At the same time, ...

Posted by kevinkorb on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 15:53:26 +0100