Book "the art of hardware architecture: design methods and technologies of digital circuits"
(1) Metastable state
1.1 concept
Caused by violation of the set-up time and hold time of the trigger
In the window of the rising edge of the clock, the data changes and the output is unknown or metastable
- Metastable window
Metastable window -The larger the window, the higher the probability of entering metastable state
1.2 hazards
Output burr
It is temporarily unstable and takes a long time to return to stable state
Generally, it takes 1 ~ 2 time cycles to return to the steady state
1.3 MTBF
Meaning: reciprocal of failure rate
M T B F = e ( t τ / τ ) W f c f d (1.1) MTBF =\frac {e(t_\tau/\tau)} {W f_c~f_d} \\\tag{1.1} MTBF=Wfc fde(tτ/τ)(1.1) -
- t τ t_\tau t τ : the resolution time allowed to exceed the normal transmission delay time of the device
- τ \tau τ : time constant of metastable state (analytical) of trigger
- W W W: Metastable window
- f c f_c fc: clock frequency
- f d f_d fd: asynchronous signal edge frequency
Details: omitted
1.4 occurrence scenario
As long as the establishment time and holding time are violated, metastability will occur:
- The input signal is asynchronous
- Clock offset / swing (rise / fall time) above tolerance
- The signal operates at two different frequencies or at the same frequency but with different phase and offset
- The combined delay changes the data input of the trigger in the metastable window
Metastable state can not be eradicated, but can only reduce the probability of its occurrence
1.5 methods to avoid metastable state
1.5. 1. The clock cycle is long enough
- If the performance is not evaluated, you can ensure that the clock cycle is long enough
- **Clock cycle > quasi steady state resolution time**
- The method is simple, but not practical
1.5. 2 use multi-stage synchronizer
- The first complete clock cycle solves the metastable problem
be careful:
An asynchronous signal should not be synchronized by two or more synchronizers, which will lead to the risk that the output of multi-level synchronizer will produce different signals
Code: take two-stage synchronizer as an example (common)
Commonly known as "two beats"
//Two stage synchronizer module demo( input wire sys_clk, input wire sys_rst_n, input wire date_in, output reg date_out ), reg date_in_reg0; reg date_in_reg1; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if(!sys_rst_n) date_in_reg0 <= 1'b0; else date_in_reg0 <= date_in; end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if(!sys_rst_n) date_in_reg1 <= 1'b0; else date_in_reg1 <= date_in_reg0; end assign date_out = date_in_reg1 ; endmodule
Optimization scheme: multi-stage synchronizer with clock frequency doubling
Limitation of the scheme: the limitation of using the above "two beats" is obvious. It takes a long time to respond to asynchronous input signals
Solution: double the frequency of the input clock as the clock input of two synchronous flip flops
Frequency doubling of clock with PLL
Multistage synchronizer with clock frequency doubling circuit
The code is as follows:
//Two stage synchronizer module demo( input wire sys_clk, input wire sys_rst_n, input wire date_in, output reg date_out ), reg date_in_reg0; reg date_in_reg1; always @(posedge sys_clk_2x or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if(!sys_rst_n) date_in_reg0 <= 1'b0; else date_in_reg0 <= date_in; end always @(posedge sys_clk_2x or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if(!sys_rst_n) date_in_reg1 <= 1'b0; else date_in_reg1 <= date_in_reg0; end assign date_out = date_in_reg1; pll pll_inst( .clk_in (sys_clk ), .c0 (sys_clk_2x ) ); endmodule
1.5. 3 type of synchronizer
1. High frequency → \rightarrow → low frequency
Method I:
Circuit diagram
Description: inputs D and D of the first stage trigger V c c V_{cc} Vcc} is connected, and the clock signal is an asynchronous input signal. The other two flip flops are controlled by the system time (clk). A total of short pulses make q1 become a high level, which is output from sync_out after two clock (clk) edges
Sequence diagram
module demo ( input wire sys_clk, input wire sys_rst_n, input wire clk_h, //High speed clock, not used in this demo input wire clk_l, //Low speed clock, i.e. clk in the figure input wire async_in, output reg sync_out ); //------------------------wire & reg-------------------// //reg1 reset signal high level reset low level normal operation wire reg1_clr; reg q1; reg q2; //-------------------------mian------------------------// //reg_clr signal assign reg1_clr = (!async_in) && sync_out; //reg1 always @(posedge async_in or posedge reg1_clr) begin if(reg1_clr == 1'b1) q1 <= 1'b0; else q1 <= 1'b1; //VCC in the figure end //reg2 always @(posedge clk_l) begin q2 <= q1; end //sync_out output always @(posedge clk_l) begin sync_out <= q2; end endmodule
Method 2:
Because it is high frequency → \rightarrow → low frequency, there may be signals in the high-frequency clock domain, and the clock in the low-frequency clock domain cannot be collected
Therefore, it is necessary to broaden the signal model in the high-frequency clock domain, so that the signal acquisition in the low-frequency clock domain can be obtained
Note: signal_b feedback to the high frequency clock domain is also cross clock domain, which also needs to be processed
Pulse signal plus_ A at clk_h is widened to become level signal_a. Re clk_l pass, when confirming clk_l clear the signal after the "see" signal has been synchronized_ a. The implementation method is still * * "collect - take two shots - synchronize" *
module demo( input wire clk_h, input wire clk_l, input wire sys_rst_n, input wire pulse_a_in, output wire pulse_b_out, output wire b_out ); //---------------- wire & reg ---------------------// reg signal_a; reg signal_b; reg signal_b_r1; reg signal_b_r2; reg signal_b_a1; reg signal_b_a2; //---------------- mian --------------------------// //CLK in clock domain_ H, generate the widening signal_a always @(posedge clk_h or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if(!sys_rst_n) signal_a <= 1'b0; else if(pulse_a_in == 1'b1) //Input signal pulse detected_ a_ If in is pulled high, signal is pulled high_ a signal_a <= 1'b1; else if(signal_b_a2 == 1'b1) //Signal detected_ b1_ If A2 is pulled high, signal is pulled low_ a signal_a <= 1'b0; else signal_a <= signal_a; end //CLK in clock domain_ L, collect signal_a. Generate signal_b always @ (posedge clk_l or negedge sys_rst_n)begin if (!sys_rst_n) signal_b <= 1'b0; else signal_b <= signal_a; end //Multi level trigger processing (two levels here) always @ (posedge clk_l or negedge sys_rst_n)begin if (!sys_rst_n) begin signal_b_r1 <= 1'b0; signal_b_r2 <= 1'b0; end else begin signal_b_r1 <= signal_b; //Yes, signal_b take two shots signal_b_r2 <= signal_b_r1; end end //CLK in clock domain_ Under a, collect signal_b_r1, used for feedback to pull down the spread signal_a always @ (posedge clk_h or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (!sys_rst_n) begin signal_b_a1 <= 1'b0; signal_b_a2 <= 1'b0; end else begin signal_b_a1 <= signal_b_r1; //Yes, signal_b_r1 takes two beats because it also involves cross clock domain signal_b_a2 <= signal_b_a1; end end assign pulse_b_out = signal_b_r1 & (~signal_b_r2); assign b_out = signal_b_r1; endmodule
2. Low frequency → \rightarrow → high frequency
There is no problem that the signal cannot be collected from low-frequency signal to high-frequency signal. Therefore, the method of two beats can be directly used for detection
// The code directly adopts the code of multi-level synchronizer
A special case - the output signal in the low frequency domain is generated by combinatorial logic
Circuit diagram
- Clock domain 1 is a low-frequency clock domain, and clock domain 2 is a high-frequency clock domain
- Data_in is generated by combinatorial logic, i.e. assign
- The shaded part of clock field 2 represents a multi-level synchronizer
module demo( input wire clk_l, input wire clk_h, input wire sys_rst_n, input wire date_in, output reg date_out ); reg date_l; reg date_h_0; reg date_h_1; //The signal of combinational logic first passes through the clock synchronization of low clock domain always @(posedge clk_l or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if(!sys_rst_n) date_l <= 1'b0; else date_l <= date_in; end //Date in high clock domain_ In synchronization always @(posedge clk_h or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if(!sys_rst_n) begin date_h_0 <= 1'b0; date_h_1 <= 1'b0; end else begin date_h_0 <= date_l; date_h_1 <= date_h_0; end end assign date_out <= date_h_1; endmodule
1.6 Summary - reducing metastability
It is clear that metastability is unavoidable and can only reduce the probability of metastability
The following are several methods to reduce the probability of metastable state
- Using synchronizer
- Trigger with faster response (shorten metastable window) T w T_w Tw)
- Metastable hardening flip-flop is adopted (specially designed for high bandwidth and reducing the sampling time optimized for clock domain input circuit)
- Cascade trigger is used as synchronizer
- The probability of metastable failure of a common trigger is P P P. Then N N The probability of metastable failure of N flip flops is P N P^N PN
- Reduce sampling rate
- Avoid using d V / d t dV/dt Input signal when dV/dt is low