RxJava stack exception information is not fully displayed. What's wrong

Original text: Xu GongphenomenonHello, everyone. Today we bring you a murder case of RxJava, which is caused by a line of code return null.A while ago, colleagues in the group reported that RxJava crash ed in the debug package, and the exception information captured was incomplete. (that is, the stack we captured does not contain our own code, ...

Posted by keyurshah on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 09:55:13 +0100

Analyzing Handler mechanism from source code

Handler is a technology that must be used in Android development. It is also very simple to use. Rewrite handler's handleMessage method in the main thread and send messages through handler's sendMessage() method in the sub thread. The Handler mechanism can be well understood through this figure. There are several roles: ActivityThread, Handler ...

Posted by tullmejs on Wed, 16 Feb 2022 17:56:29 +0100

Android Development Notes (182) Video recording using CameraX

With CameraX for video recording, the steps to initialize the camera are much the same as when taking pictures, except that the video capturer VideoCapture is added. There are three main areas of code that need to be modified, described below. The first place is in AndroidManifest. The XML is supplemented with the declaration of recording right ...

Posted by baennaeck on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 18:06:21 +0100

Source code analysis of Android arch components -- LiveData

In this article, let's take a look at LiveData in Android architecture components. Compared with ViewModel, LiveData has life cycle awareness, that is, it combines ViewModel with lifecycle. When the data of the application is updated, we generally only want to update the UI when the application is visible to the user; Further, if the applicatio ...

Posted by Galahad on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 03:46:09 +0100

Source code analysis of Android arch components - Lifecycle

The implementation of Lifecycle is similar to ViewModel, which uses fragment to realize its functions. By adding a fragment to the activity, the fragment can receive various life cycle callbacks. The following source code uses version 2.2.0 Introduction to using method I'm not going to talk too much about the usage of lifecycle here. Un ...

Posted by marty_arl on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 13:09:01 +0100

Actual combat | use composite material 3 in application

Material You It is not only the development direction of the next generation of Material Design, but also a new design vision: it is convenient for you to create personalized style design, meet various needs and adapt to various screens; Jetpack Compose It is a new modern toolkit for building a native Android interface, which can help you bui ...

Posted by Monshery on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 05:39:29 +0100

FBO and RBO disappeared in WebGPU

Python wechat ordering applet course video https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/36074 Python actual combat quantitative transaction financial management system https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/35475 Catalogue* 1 FBO and RBO in webgl + 1.1 FramebufferObject + 1.2 true carrier of color accessories and depth template accessories + 1.3 collectio ...

Posted by cooldude832 on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 23:19:40 +0100

Android NDK -- a summary of fork vs vfork in Linux application creation process

introduction Unix series processes are subprocesses obtained by copying init process or kernel process. The specific details of different implementations are different. Linux provides three kinds of fork, vfork and clone system calls. 1, Unix process overview In Unix, the CPU allocates and schedules resources with the process as the allo ...

Posted by lbaxterl on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 17:24:50 +0100

Android kotlin material design technology points

1.Material design definition Material design is a new set of interface design language developed by google design engineers based on excellent design principles and combined with rich creativity and science and technology, including visual, sports, interactive special effects and other characteristics. 2. Use of toolbar Toolbar not only inhe ...

Posted by andymt on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 17:16:14 +0100

Task of Gradle learning

1, Create tasks in multiple ways 1. Create task with task name Example: // Create task with task name def Task taskCreatedByName = task taskCreatedByName // def Task taskCreatedByName = task(taskCreatedByName) taskCreatedByName.doLast { println "This is a task created by task name" } Prototype: Task task(String name) throws InvalidU ...

Posted by skehoe on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 14:29:29 +0100