Detailed explanation of Bluetooth BLE

1, What is Bluetooth? Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communication technology, which can realize the data exchange between fixed devices and mobile devices. Generally, BR/EDR Bluetooth before Bluetooth 3.0 is called traditional Bluetooth, while LE Bluetooth under Bluetooth 4.0 specification is called low-power Bluetooth. Many people's un ...

Posted by infratl on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 15:40:02 +0100

Notes on Qt5BLE Bluetooth development under win32

BLE introduction BLE Bluetooth is a Bluetooth module above Bluetooth 2.0, and classic Bluetooth is Bluetooth below Bluetooth 2.0. Bluetooth is divided into client and server. Classic Bluetooth can communicate between client and server through socket programming (similar to network socket), but BLE Bluetooth cannot communicate in this way. Ther ...

Posted by nev25 on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 13:21:16 +0100

ESP32 learning notes (32) -- BLE GAP host connection

1, Background 1.1 Low Power Bluetooth (BLE) protocol stack The link layer (LL) controls the RF state of the equipment, which has five equipment states: standby, broadcast, scanning, initialization and connection. The broadcast is a broadcast packet, while the scan is to monitor the broadcast. In GAP communication, the central device (Centr ...

Posted by AliasZero on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 03:29:33 +0100

DialogBLE chip: OTP read / write, otphader

The BLE chip of Dialog basically has OTP (one time programmable) memory, that is, the memory written at one time. Once written, it cannot be modified. For example, DA14531 has 32KB OTP memory. It is mainly used to write curing programs and save some important factory parameters. The following mainly describes how to read and write OTP memory an ...

Posted by iii on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 16:49:51 +0100