At a glance: steps to build Retrofit2+RxJava2+ButterKnife framework

Step introduction: Code resolution: Step introduction: Add dependencies for Retrofit2 and RxJava2 libraries: Create a class that accepts the data returned by the server (the class used to process the data) Create an interface to describe network requests and configure network request parameters Create Retrofit inst ...

Posted by mobilekid on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 16:10:36 +0200

Android studio version 3.1 and butterknife version 8.8.1 are incompatible. The pro test is effective

Due to importing other people's projects and changing the version number of gradle, the project always reported an error. Finally, it was found that the problem was in ButterKnife when I looked up the data. Some people had NullPointerException, and my error was as follows: gradle version number classpath  ' ...

Posted by seanstuart on Tue, 17 Dec 2019 17:25:45 +0100

New android feature: use RecyclerViewHeader one-click to add RecyclerView header layout and achieve a round-robin effect

First look at the effect 20170123112552092.png Since android 5.0, RecyclerView has been an indispensable control in android development. Needless to say, it is certainly not possible to add a header layout directly with RecyclerView like a listview. How can RecyclerView add a header layout with one click and achieve a round-robin ef ...

Posted by HuggieBear on Mon, 08 Jul 2019 21:35:01 +0200

Development Framework Construction: Encapsulation of Common Base Classes

We want to develop an APP. The first task is to build the package structure, build the framework, encapsulate the base class, import the third-party libraries into the project and so on. Today we will talk about how to complete this process. (Note: Everyone has their own code style, so there is no good or bad code that suits them.) Through t ...

Posted by afbase on Sun, 07 Jul 2019 00:31:45 +0200

Android-IM Instant Messaging: Ring Letter

Reference resources: Chat demo based on RIS instant messaging cloud V2 SDK Android Develops IM Instant Chat Based on Ring Xin SDK (I) android - Developing Instant Messaging Function and Source Download Using Ring Shin SDK IM : Instant Messenger (IM). Android third-party instant messaging SDK has: Netease Yunxin, Ring Xin and Rong Yun, ...

Posted by CtrlAltDel on Mon, 24 Jun 2019 01:53:34 +0200

Simple implementation of ButterKnife

The last blog post wrote about implementing ButterKnife with runtime annotations: Simple implementation of ButterKnife This is about compile-time annotations for ButterKnife. If you don't know about compile-time annotations for Android Studio, please refer to my other blog post: Android compile-time annotations. I. Overview Runtime annota ...

Posted by ShugNorris on Sun, 09 Jun 2019 23:46:15 +0200

Android Studio Apk Packing Confusion

Recently, some problems have been encountered in the package company's project. Here's a record. Packaging APK under Android Studio This article only talks about the way of AS packaging Apk, eclispe packaging can Baidu itself. There are two ways to pack Apk: The first way Use Android Studio's own tools to generate Apk. The specific step is ...

Posted by maxedison on Sun, 26 May 2019 22:14:45 +0200

Analysis of Butterknife Principle

For reprinting, please indicate the source: [Gu Linhai's blog] Preface Butterknife is a View injection framework focusing on Android system, which can simplify the code, such as findViewById, event monitoring, resource binding, and so on. At the same time, the framework uses compile-time annotations. Maybe when ...

Posted by on Thu, 16 May 2019 16:21:41 +0200