C + + design pattern

Design pattern 1, Overview 1. Definition: a set of widely known, widely used, classified and catalogued reliable template code design experience summary. 2. Features: high cohesion and low coupling (also the ultimate goal) 3. Core idea: isolate changes and encapsulate changes 4. Significance: using design patterns can enhance the reusa ...

Posted by goclimb on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 05:50:10 +0100

Dark horse programmer C + + learning record: class and object part3-4 object model and this pointer & friend

4.3 C + + object model and this pointer 1. Member variables and member functions are stored separately In C + +, member functions and member objects are stored separately 1. Only non static member variables belong to the object of the class, and non static member variables occupy the object space; 2. Static member variables do not occupy the ...

Posted by shiranwas on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 19:06:59 +0100

C + + programming practice - Gobang game (continuously updated)

Basic rules (1) Both sides of the game hold the same chess pieces. (2) An empty chessboard opens. (3) Black first, white later, alternating, only one at a time. (4) The chess piece is placed on the blank point of the chessboard. After the chess piece is set, it shall not move to other points, or take it off the chessboard or pick it up and ...

Posted by skypilot on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 18:27:33 +0100

Generation method of simplest set of prime numbers satisfying Goldbach conjecture (C++)

The sparsest set of prime numbers that satisfy Goldbach's conjecture is generated. There is also a simplest set generator that satisfies the Goldbach Conjecture Effect, which does not require a prime number. The Goldbach conjecture effect refers to the generation of a final set of numbers from a set M that belongs to an equidistant set M (or a ...

Posted by EnDee321 on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 15:47:38 +0100

[918C++ Programming] 9, Input and Output Streams

Input and Output Streams in 9.1 C++. Meaning of input and output 1) Input data from keyboard and output to display screen. 2) Input and output to external files (discs). 3) Use the space specified in memory for input and output. String Input Output Standard Output Stream C++ Input and Output Streams Common stream classes in I/O class l ...

Posted by jamie85 on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 15:23:12 +0100

C + + initial order -- introduction of inline functions, ranges and classes

Today is the beginning of the previous issue(1),Tell me something else C++Elementary knowledge points 1, Inline function In order to avoid frequently used small functions, both C and C + + have their own methods to establish stack frames. C provides macros (#define), which are expanded in the preprocessing stage; C + + provides inline funct ...

Posted by jbx on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 01:26:30 +0100

Operators -- small operators are powerful

Arithmetic operators: + - * / % \1. In addition to the% operator, several other operators can act on integers and floating-point numbers %The two operands of the operator must be integers. Returns the remainder after division %The divisor of the operator cannot be 0, otherwise an error will be reported #include <stdio.h> int ...

Posted by sheen.andola on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:14:56 +0100

1010 detailed explanation of radiation test points, pits and problems needing attention with two solutions of sequential search and binary search (PAT (Advanced Level) Practice)

catalogue subject Test sample Input sample 1 (the title comes with it) Output sample 1 Input example 2 (the title comes with) Output sample 2 Input example 3 (self compiled, special case - N1 and N2 are 0) Output sample 3 Input example 4 (self compiled, normal) Output sample 4 Input example 5 (self compiled, normal) Output example 5 ...

Posted by RaythMistwalker on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 17:28:26 +0100

Design a student status management system

I am also a code Xiaobai. I know a lot of modifications and night places in this code. I also hope to see the big guys can leave the axe on time! Thank you, thank you! [title] [design] 1. First of all, we should establish a student Dat file and enter student information in it. Input data from the keyboard and establish the data file student ...

Posted by chrisdburns on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 16:37:02 +0100

The way of C/C + + Learning: polymorphism

The way of C/C + + Learning: polymorphism catalogue Basic concepts of polymorphismUpward type conversion and problemsHow to implement dynamic bindingAbstract base classes and pure virtual functionsPure virtual functions and multiple inheritancevirtual destructor Override, overload, redefine 1. Basic concepts of polymorphism Polymorphism ...

Posted by Zaynt on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 15:37:57 +0100