Chapter 11 of csapp: network io md

1. Network architecture You need to understand the basic client server programming model and how to write client server programs that use services provided by the Internet. Finally, combine all the concepts to develop a small but full-featured web server. Nowadays, network applications can be seen everywhere. Interestingly, all network applica ...

Posted by rotto on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 13:39:23 +0100

[in depth understanding of computer system] Chapter 2

This article was launched in CSDN and synchronized to the blog park Deep understanding of computer systems Chapter 2 2.1 storage of information Hexadecimal to binary, convert each bit of hexadecimal to a 4-bit binary That is, \ ([0123456789abcdef] {16} \) corresponds to \ ([0000-1111] _2 \) Each computer has a word length \ ((word\ size) \), ...

Posted by Kev0121 on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 18:53:32 +0100

CSAPP |task05 | optimize program performance

5. Optimize program performance-| Capabilities and limitations of optimizing compilers void twiddle1(long *xp,long *yp){ *xp += *yp; *xp += *yp; } void twiddle2(long *xp,long *yp){ *xp += 2* *yp; } In the two sections of code on the last two pages, the function twiddle2 is more efficient because it only requires three memory references (rea ...

Posted by kettle_drum on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 13:53:07 +0100

Experiment 6 of deep understanding computer system (CSAPP) - Malloc Lab

This experiment is too, too, too difficult! I can't write it myself. After reading two articles by two big men, I found out. Directly paste the two articles of the boss. One is implemented with an implicit linked list, and the other is implemented with a display linked list. Implicit free linked list The job is compiled into a 32-bit ...

Posted by anonymouse on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 10:47:58 +0100

CSAPP Experiment 4: performance optimization experiment (Perflab)

This series of articles is an experiment arranged for the computer system, a basic course of computer science at the University of science and technology of China. The teaching materials and contents used in the class are black book CSAPP. At that time, it took a lot of energy and detours. Now let's summarize each experiment. This article is th ...

Posted by n8w on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 01:20:40 +0100