unity access to realize face recognition application - based on hongsoft face recognition algorithm 4.0

1, Preparatory work 1. Download SDK 4.0 of hongruan face recognition value-added version 1) Register and log in to the developer center 2) Download hongsoft face recognition SDK 2. Install Unity3D and Visual Studio 2019 development environment 1) Install Unity Hub 2) Install Unity 2020.3.1f1c1 2, Create DEMO project 1. Create Unity proj ...

Posted by Patty on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 20:52:04 +0100

Face input and recognition system for college freshmen based on javafx and hongruan ArcFace

1, Demand analysis With the rapid development of face recognition technology, colleges and universities also began to try to collect Freshmen's face information through face recognition related technology and input it into the university face information database. In the future study and life, students who have entered face information can eas ...

Posted by padams on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 01:12:04 +0100

[basic tutorial for beginners] maix asr (automatic speech recognition)

maix asr (automatic speech recognition) This document is in MaixPy 0.5.1_128 minimum_speech_with_ide_support firmware passed the test. Please ensure that the recording function / call model is available before use. This is a speech recognition module based on acoustic model. When the user loads the words composed of Pinyin into the modul ...

Posted by anoopmail on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 04:26:56 +0100

Image Noise Processing

1. Adding noise to the image Adding noise to an image can enhance the data Adding a proper amount of noise to the training data can make the training model more robust and help to improve the performance of the model. Two common noises: salt and pepper noise and Gaussian noise import cv2 import numpy as np import random #Add salt and pepper ...

Posted by jordy on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 09:35:02 +0100

(detailed tutorial) opencv+pycharm + notebook camera for face recognition

catalogue 1, Install opencv Python 2, Prepare classifier 3, Code explanation 4, Operation results Appendix: summary 1, Install opencv Python It is recommended to directly install opencv Python using pycharm Open file - Settings - python interpreter - click + sign Search opencv python, click the installation package, and wait a mo ...

Posted by kpasiva on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 15:07:33 +0100

MTCNN face detection paper + code implementation (python) (full)

Thesis address: https://kpzhang93.github.io/MTCNN_face_detection_alignment/paper/spl.pdf Take your own code. The debugging has been changed and the link can't be found. Produced by the army, it is the most exquisite product This is what I summarized according to the bottom of the code and understood little by little in combination with t ...

Posted by ReverendDexter on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 13:37:22 +0100