Flex layout Basics

Concept: what is Flex? FlexiableBox is an elastic box, which is used for elastic layout and can cooperate with rem to deal with the problem of size adaptation Why Flex layout? 1. It is used to provide maximum flexibility for box model. Any container can be specified as a Flex layout (using the display property) display:flex; 2. It is more ...

Posted by bonaparte on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 07:24:36 +0100

Flex flexible layout tutorial - 09 - container properties flex flow

Objectives of this section Master the use of flex flow, which is a collection of flex direction and flex wrap.Master the layout writing skills from top to bottom. Content summary This chapter introduces the container attribute flex flow, which is a collection of flex direction and flex wrap. The related attributes have been explained earlier ...

Posted by 86Stang on Fri, 24 Sep 2021 16:49:50 +0200