Hibernate Level 2 Cache Configuration

Hibernate's cache management: Cache is a cache, and it is often the most important means of improving system performance, acting as a reservoir and buffer for data.Cache is particularly important for systems that rely heavily on data read operations.In the case of large concurrency, if each program needs to query the database directly, the perf ...

Posted by taskhill on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 19:23:05 +0200

9. Asynchronous notification of key usage (detailed)

The application layers of previous studies were: 1)Query: Read Always 2)Interrupt mode. Also read until interrupt process wakes up 3)Poll mechanism: always sleep in poll function, read once at a certain time All three of the above are for the application to read proactively. In this section, we learn about asynchronous notification. Its purpose ...

Posted by sam06 on Sat, 25 May 2019 18:28:32 +0200

Spring transaction details

Before writing this blog, I first read Spring in action, and then read some articles about Spring transaction management on the internet. I don't feel that they are complete. Here, I will summarize the knowledge of the book and the Internet about the transaction. The reference articles are as follows: Detailed explanation of Spring transac ...

Posted by hadingrh on Fri, 24 May 2019 02:04:42 +0200

p6spy displays complete executable SQL

Previous projects used mybtis to do ORM, it has its own SQL output, or third-party plug-ins are very good output display execution of the SQL and results. You can even use mybtis's interceptor to customize the output of formatted SQL. The project is currently developed using hibernate 3. Projects are also relatively old... The SQL statements di ...

Posted by Lee W on Fri, 24 May 2019 01:14:52 +0200

Hibernate Learning Notes II: Mapping Method of Table and Entity Classes

Hibernate Learning Notes II: Mapping of Tables and Entity Classes In the use of Hibernate, we had better try to make the entity class name and table name, entity class attribute name and table column name as same as possible, which can save a lot of trouble. However, in our actual project, we may encounter inconsistencies between the names ...

Posted by phpdev12 on Wed, 22 May 2019 00:52:07 +0200

An introduction to Hibrenate

1. Create a database New database create database test; New table: Primary key ID (self-growth) name in string format price in floating-point format use test; CREATE TABLE prodyct_ ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(30) , price float , PRIMARY KEY (id) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8; 2. Create a java project and import ...

Posted by dcampbell18 on Mon, 20 May 2019 22:06:46 +0200

SSH-hibernate04: One-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many for beginners

In this chapter, we will study the relationship of hibernate, that is, one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many. This chapter will also be the last chapter of hibernate for beginners. First of all, one-to-one: a person corresponding to an ID card as a list. Step 1: The new table persion (person) and card (identity card) are structured as follow ...

Posted by omprakash on Mon, 20 May 2019 04:52:48 +0200

Spring Boot Integrates Spring Batch

Introduction Spring Batch is a framework for handling large amounts of data operations. It is mainly used to read large amounts of data and then output the specified form after certain processing. For example, we can insert batch processing of data in csv files (millions or even tens of millions of data are not a problem) into the database a ...

Posted by TheUkSniper on Sun, 19 May 2019 07:52:16 +0200

Implementation of Mysql Cluster and One Master Multi-slave Scheme (I)

1. The Business Layer of MySQL Master-Slave Solution In the previous articles, we mentioned that MySQL has brought some problems to the access of the upper business system under the mode of one master multi-slave cluster. In this article, we will analyze this problem in depth and introduce how to improve it. The main problem that MySQL mas ...

Posted by rocketsprocket on Thu, 16 May 2019 19:57:12 +0200

Spring Boot Membership Management System-Processing File Upload

Reminder Spring Boot membership management system needs to involve Spring framework, Spring MVC framework, Hibernate framework, thymeleaf template engine. So, you can learn these knowledge. Of course, it's okay to use it directly, but it may be difficult to use it when it comes to some exceptions and principles. 1. Front end part In the front ...

Posted by ldd76 on Thu, 16 May 2019 14:00:11 +0200