dried food! Summary of common methods of Intranet penetration

Gongzong No.: Black palm A blogger who focuses on sharing penetration testing, hot spots in the hacker circle and hacker tool technology area! preface During intranet penetration, a WebShell or CobaltStrike, Metasploit, etc. are just the beginning. It is more about moving horizontally within the intranet, expanding the results and reaching ...

Posted by Crashin on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 23:04:25 +0100

Metasploit+Beef integration attack - super detailed

preface Beef is the most popular web framework attack platform in Europe and America. kali integrates beef, and beef has many easy payload s. For example, through the simple vulnerability of XSS, beef can control the browser of the target host through a prepared javascript, get various information through the browser and scan intranet in ...

Posted by robshanks on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 17:58:48 +0100