Mybatis obtains the value of self incrementing primary key (Mysql and Oracle)

pojo: public class User { private Integer id; private String name; private String pwd; setter and getter.... } Database: 1. Gets the value of the self incrementing primary key Mapping file: <!-- UserMapper Interface public void addUser(User user); --> <insert id="addUser" parameterType="com.workhah.pojo.Us ...

Posted by greyhoundcode on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 14:00:28 +0100

Hundreds of lines of code to write a Mybatis, the principle is thoroughly understood

1, Foreword The core principle of Mybatis is also the embodiment of its most convenient use. Why? Because when we use Mybatis, we only need to define an interface that does not need to write implementation classes, and we can CRUD the database by annotation or configuring SQL statements. So how do you do this? One very important point is tha ...

Posted by xhelle on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 10:30:56 +0100

Reflection optimization of mybatis

This article mainly introduces the related contents of reflection optimization of mybatis. Let's understand how reflection optimization of mybatis is done and why reflection optimization is needed. It is based on version 3.4.6Knowledge pointsWhat is reflectionWhy should mybatis be optimizedHow is mybatis optimizedWhat is reflectionWhen it comes ...

Posted by BRUUUCE on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 09:56:44 +0100

Java--Mybatis,mapper.xml files use association; collection implements one-to-one and one to many association

When we use JDBC to access the database, in addition to writing our own SQL, we must also operate connection, statement and resultset, which are actually auxiliary classes. Not only that, accessing different tables, but also writing a lot of the same code, which is cumbersome and boring. After using Mybatis, you only need to provide your own SQ ...

Posted by dagon on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 00:32:30 +0100

Mybatis mapper encapsulates data classes

1.1 project preparation mybatis framework analysis 1.1. 1 project environment sqlMapConfig.xml core configuration file to remove DTD constraints. Because dom4j will go online to find DTD files. UserMapper.xml Mapping configuration file, remove DTD constraints. UserMapper interface. User entity class. ​ Import related jar packages ​ Use ...

Posted by bijukon on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 18:43:00 +0100

Mybatis - introductory case

1 - framework concept The framework in program development is often the encapsulation of common functions. The program framework is understood as the basis or mechanical standard parts (such as screw and nut standard mechanical parts). If you want to build a carriage, without a frame, you need to cut wood by yourself, make wood into boards and ...

Posted by simonrs on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 05:11:46 +0100

Here comes the MyBatis persistence layer framework

When developing JAVA projects, we need to interact with the database. At the beginning of database programming, we choose JDBC, which is the API for how to interact between the database and JAVA programs, but the steps are cumbersome. Today, we will learn about the latest database framework, MyBatis. It is a semi-automatic persistence layer fra ...

Posted by dsainteclaire on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 00:53:56 +0100

[Java from zero to architect season ③] [07] MyBatis multi table relationship

Continuous learning & continuous updating Keep breaking away Multi table relation There are two perspectives when thinking about the relationship between the two tables: Think about table B from table A (see table A as an A)Think about table A from table B (see table B as A b) That is: Look at table B from an AStart from ...

Posted by duvys on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 19:56:23 +0100

Mybatis source code - caching mechanism

prefacestay Mybatis source code - execution process of Executor In this article, the first level cache and second level cache in Mybatis will be described in combination with examples and source code.textI Display of L1 cache mechanismIn Mybatis, if the same SQL statement is executed multiple times, Mybatis provides a level-1 cache mechanism to ...

Posted by idgeit on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:07:16 +0100

5-TDengine integrates SpringBoot, MyBatis, MyBatisPlus

background In the previous experience, taos client, RESTful Connector and JDBC-JNI are used. This time, we experience an example closer to the actual application scenario: the integration of TDengine with SpringBoot, MyBatis, MyBatisPlus, etc. Officials have brought their own examples, ...

Posted by PhilGDUK on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 22:50:05 +0100