Netty series: detailed explanation of NIO and netty

brief introduction Why is netty fast? This is because the bottom layer of netty uses JAVA nio technology and optimizes the performance on its basis. Although netty is not a pure JAVA nio, the bottom layer of netty is still based on NiO technology. nio is jdk1 4, which is different from traditional IO, so nio can also be called new io. The thre ...

Posted by onthespot on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 12:05:19 +0100

Netty series: detailed explanation of NIO and netty

brief introduction Why is netty fast? This is because the bottom layer of netty uses JAVA nio technology and optimizes the performance on its basis. Although netty is not a pure JAVA nio, the bottom layer of netty is still based on NiO technology. nio is jdk1 4, which is different from traditional IO, so nio can also be called new io. Th ...

Posted by starnol on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 11:58:58 +0100

Netty4.1 Source Profiling_ Channel Channel

First let's think about a question: What is Channel? Channel is an interface abstracted by Netty to read/write network I/O, similar to Channel in NIO. So what are the main features of Channel? Read/Write of Network I/OClient initiates connectionActively close connections, close linksGet the addresses of both sides of the communication ...

Posted by gljaber on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 18:17:11 +0100

Dubbo Service Reference Resolution

Last time we talked about Dubbo's service exposure, this time we'll look at how Dubbo calls services This article will be interpreted based on the architecture diagram of dubbo Catalog Client Start Process Dubbo Service Call Client Start Process As we all know, when a client invokes a service, only the interface has no corresponding ...

Posted by cottonbuds2005 on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 18:22:41 +0100

Getting started with Netty Basics

I. Basic Introduction 1.1 Netty knowledge 1.1.1 general Official website: Netty is a NIO client server framework, which can quickly and easily develop network applications, such as protocol server and client. It greatly simplifies and simplifies network programming such as TCP and UDP socket server.Netty is an asynchro ...

Posted by stig1 on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 14:18:44 +0100

Chapter 3 - Java NIO programming: Selector selector

1, Introduction to Selector (1) NIO of Java uses non blocking IO mode. You can use one thread to process multiple client connections, and you will use the selector. (2) The Selector can detect whether events occur on multiple registered channels (Note: multiple channels can be registered to the same Selector in the form of events). If an event ...

Posted by Shad on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 03:24:23 +0100

netty encoding and decoding and packet sticking and unpacking processing

netty encoding and decoding and packet sticking and unpacking processing Codec When you send or receive a message through Netty, a data conversion will occur. The inbound message will be decoded: from byte to another format (such as java object); If it is an outbound message, it will be encoded into bytes. Netty provides a series of practi ...

Posted by mise_me_fein on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 14:30:26 +0100

Introduction to Netty - third conversation

1. Articles may be updated in priority Github,Personal blog . Other platforms will be a little late. Alternate address of personal blog 2, if Github is too laggy, you can Gitee Browse, or Gitee online reading,Personal blog . Gitee online reading and personal blog loading speed is relatively fast. 3. Reprint notice: please indicat ...

Posted by cosminb on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 23:44:36 +0100

Http proxy server - Netty version

Basic ideas First, explain the basic ideas. The following figure shows the location of the proxy server: From the position of the proxy server, its functions have three points Receive data from the requesterForward request to target serverForward the data of the target server to the requester Therefore, when we use Netty to build a proxy s ...

Posted by smonsivaes on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 16:34:52 +0100

EventLoop and EventLoopGroup of Netty source code analysis

The previous articles have analyzed the server startup and client connection of Netty in detail, so that you should have a more comprehensive and macro understanding of Netty. In the following article, I will analyze the source code of each main component of Netty. Personally, I think that the order from macro to detail, from surface to point, ...

Posted by bestpricehost on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 08:39:04 +0100