0 basic society simple QQ version chat dialogue function (with complete implementation code)

Today we will use the famous pipe mkfifo to realize a simple version of QQ dialogue function. Step 1: first create two processes Talka C and talkb c; Step 2: talk a C and talkb C is responsible for checking whether two pipelines have been created. If not, it is necessary to create pipelines; Step 3: talk a C open pipe 1 in a write only mann ...

Posted by Hannes2k on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 22:40:26 +0100

Concurrent programming -- collaborative process, Greenlet module, Gevent module, synchronous and asynchronous of Gevent, Gevent application

An introduction The topic of this section is to realize concurrency based on single thread, that is, to realize concurrency with only one main thread (obviously, there is only one available cpu). Therefore, we need to review the essence of concurrency first: switching + saving state. The cpu is running a task and will switch to execute oth ...

Posted by Ben5on on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 05:38:51 +0100

Far planner code series

After reading the great God's paper, I ran by myself. I feel very interesting. I want to read the great God's code carefully. Anyway, it's better to treat it as a series of self entertainment~ MichaelFYang/far_planner: Fast, Attemptable Route Planner for Navigation in Known and Unknown Environments (github.com) graph_decoder series (1) First, ...

Posted by smokenwhispers on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 10:14:17 +0100

Netty source code analysis 4:NioEventLoopGroup

Analysis of NioEventLoopGroup's parent class and interface function of its implementation NioEventLoopGroup maintains a group of nioeventloops internally. The relationship between them is somewhat similar to the relationship between thread pool and thread. Its class diagram is as follows: Iterable and ScheduledExecutorService are provided by ...

Posted by mosi on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 04:23:40 +0100

WebService concise tutorial

There are thousands of people in the vast sea. Thank you for seeing here this second. I hope my article is helpful to you! May you keep your love and go to the mountains and seas in the future! 👀 preface Because some time ago, we need to use webService to call other system api interfaces of the company, but the request method is differe ...

Posted by ericdorman on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 02:07:39 +0100

Chapter 11 of csapp: network io md

1. Network architecture You need to understand the basic client server programming model and how to write client server programs that use services provided by the Internet. Finally, combine all the concepts to develop a small but full-featured web server. Nowadays, network applications can be seen everywhere. Interestingly, all network applica ...

Posted by rotto on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 13:39:23 +0100

Computer network communication

OSI network seven layer model: (Open System Interconnection), translated as "Open System Interconnection" Physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, session layer, presentation layer and application layer TCP/IP simplifies OSI, merges some layers, and finally retains only four layers, including interface layer, ...

Posted by Pedro Sim on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 06:57:27 +0100

JAVA network programming

Section I overview of network communication 1.1 software structure Network programming is a program that realizes the communication between two computers under a certain protocol C/S structure: the full name is Client/Server structure, which refers to client and server structure. Common programs include QQ... And other software B/S struct ...

Posted by thumrith on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 16:01:20 +0100

Using WebSocket under thinkphp5

Recently, a project requirement is as follows: the software side will send a request to the server to obtain some information. Then process the acquired information and return the id of the information Method 1: the software side calls the interface and requests once a minute. The problem: if tens of thousands of people use the software at th ...

Posted by NTM on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 07:19:47 +0100

UDP, TCP, Lambda expression, interface composition update, method reference

UDP communication principle: UDP protocol is an unreliable network protocol. It has a Socket object at both ends of the communication, but these two sockets are only the objects to send and receive data Both sides of communication based on UDP protocol have no so-called concept of client and server The datagram Socket class provided by Java i ...

Posted by mooler on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 10:31:58 +0100