Ruby Array Method Arrangement

Array method collation Method List: all(), any(), none() and one() Testing whether all or part of the elements in an array satisfy a given condition. Conditions can be determined in a block of statements or parameters. append() Equivalent to push() bsearch() Dichotomy Finding Elements bsearch_index() Dichotomy Finds Elements and Returns ...

Posted by ricoche on Tue, 07 May 2019 13:35:03 +0200

Infinite Pole Classification (Recursive)

Infinite polar classification simply means that a class can be divided into several subclasses, and then one subclass can be divided into other subclasses indefinitely, as if windows could create a new folder, then create some folders in this folder, and some folders under the folder. So how does PHP achieve its infinite classif ...

Posted by igul222 on Tue, 07 May 2019 03:05:03 +0200

HDU 1811 Rank of Tetris

Topic link: Title: Given a digraph of n points, tell you the relationship of m (a,b,c)(a,b,c)(a,b,c). A, C denotes node number, B belongs to'>','<','=', in one of the three types,'>'denotes a rank higher than c, less than C rank higher than a', ='indicates that the rank ...

Posted by m!tCh on Mon, 06 May 2019 09:55:04 +0200

PHP Full Stack Learning Notes 19

image.png The thinkphp framework is a free, open source, fast and simple object-oriented lightweight PHP development framework. Learn what is ThinkPHP overview, the directory structure of ThinkPHP projects, the controller of thinkphp, views, the process of building ThinkPHP projects, the configuration of thinkphp, the model o ...

Posted by betazoid on Mon, 06 May 2019 02:50:03 +0200

Simple example of UEditor for picture upload

1. First you can go to Ueditor on the official website to see detailed documentation, including how to install to Eclipse, related jar packages, and how to use Ueditor. This article mainly describes how to upload single pictures and use your own interface: Run tomcat, run in google browser (Test is my project name): http://lo ...

Posted by m00gzilla on Sun, 05 May 2019 19:24:04 +0200