python dictionaries and collections

Dictionaries A dictionary is a collection of elements consisting of key and value pairs In Python 3 7 + dictionary is determined to be ordered, its length is variable, and elements can be added, deleted and modified arbitrarily. Compared with lists and tuples, the dictionary has better performance, and the addition, deletion, modification and ...

Posted by youknowho on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 20:39:37 +0100

python Programming -- python style Solitaire

python Programming (I) -- python style Solitaire Python programming style is also called python. This series of articles records learning bits and pieces. preface This article is realized through A simple example__ getitem__ And__ len__ Method, the example is to realize 52 playing cards without size kings, including four decors and ...

Posted by allydm on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 18:56:20 +0100

Everyone should have dreamed of winning the lottery! I use Python to realize your fantasy. If you win, remember to divide me!

I think everyone should be the same as Xiaobian. Xiaobian usually spends a few yuan to buy a few notes when he passes by the lottery shop! After all, what if you want to win the prize, right! Then who still works, although it may be equivalent to a house! But it's all money! But often they don't win, or about five yuan! Hahaha, maybe it's no ...

Posted by lanrat on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 15:40:22 +0100

It's so beautiful. Output nice tables. Use this Python library

prefaceRecently, I was writing a small tool in Python, which is mainly used to manage the information of various resources, such as Alibaba cloud ECS. Because the computer I work on uses LINUX, I wanted to write a command-line management tool in Python. The basic function is to synchronize the information of Alibaba cloud resources to the datab ...

Posted by Hagaroo on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 07:35:02 +0100

Python crawler actual combat | climb the top 250 movies of

stay Python crawler actual combat (1) | climb the top 250 movies of Douban (Part 1) In, the result of our final climb out is not very perfect. How can we be reconciled to the "excellence and pursuit of perfection" program ape So today, use python to climb into the top 250 movies on! Step! Version! Here he is! We used urll ...

Posted by rcarr on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 07:05:35 +0100

PyTorch deep learning practice introduction note 9 exercise - Multi classification using kaggle's Otto data set

In the article Introduction to PyTorch deep learning practice notes 9-SoftMax classifier Mr. Liu gave an after-school exercise and downloaded kaggle's Otto dataset Do more classification. 0 Overview Let's take a look at the background of the official website. The Otto Group is one of the world's biggest e-commerce companies, with subsidiar ...

Posted by saint4 on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 06:24:41 +0100

Implementation of grid strategy real offer based on VNPY

Implementation of grid strategy real offer based on VNPY After several months of trial and error in the back test program, I find vnpy as a solid offer system is very convenient. vnpy event driven framework First, we need to use vnpy's event driven framework, which is a message queue. Among them, the exchange gateway is the producer of e ...

Posted by Jakei on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 05:59:56 +0100

Python from introduction to practice (Second Edition) exercise 14-4

It is required to set different difficulty levels in the game alien invasion, and add the function of allowing players to choose the starting difficulty level. I think the requirements of the exercise can be broken down into the following points: 1. Set several different difficulty levels for players to choose. 2. Players can only choose the ...

Posted by designationlocutus on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 05:42:02 +0100

python basic data types and strings

1. Variables definition: A variable is a box for storing data. We call the data in the box by using the variable box Naming rules: Variable names can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Variable names can start with letters or underscores, but not numbers; Variable names cannot contain spaces, but underscores can be used to separat ...

Posted by Canman2005 on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 02:57:22 +0100

Python Basics_ 6_ file

python foundation 6: files 1, File operation 1. [know] the role of documents The role of files: persistent storage of data 2. [key] basic operation of documents Document operation process Open a file or create a new oneRead / write dataClose file Open file: file variable = open("file name", "access mode")Closing ...

Posted by stormx on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 02:38:01 +0100