Image download of canvas drawing generation in wechat applet

Functions to be implemented:Click the circle of friends button to pop up the sharing picture:Click Save share picture to save to mobileImplementation code:1. Sharing button click event /** * share */ weixinShare:function(){ var that = this; console.log(111); share.canvasImg((res)=>{ console.log(222); that.set ...

Posted by ralba1998 on Mon, 09 Dec 2019 00:17:26 +0100

Using phpqrcode two-dimensional code to generate class library and imagecopymerge function to make mosaic pictures

preparation in advance Introduce phpqrcode class library (download address: PHP enables GD extension library support 1. Generate QR code with phpqrcode: Principle analysis: The downloaded class file is a compressed package, which contains many files and demo programs. We only need phpqrcode.php ins ...

Posted by laanes on Sun, 08 Dec 2019 00:19:57 +0100

Using FastReport report report tool to generate Report PDF document

When we develop a system, customers always put forward some specific report requirements. The fixed report format meets their business processing needs and also fits their work scenarios. Therefore, we try to make reports that meet their actual needs, so our system will get a better sense of identity. This essay introduces how to generate Repor ...

Posted by pikebro2002 on Thu, 17 Oct 2019 05:42:28 +0200

How can java, python, golang and other development languages generate two-dimensional codes quickly?

There are many ways to generate free two-dimensional codes! For example, the famous two-dimensional code for forage is enough if it is used simply. But if you want to generate on a large scale, it's not appropriate. Moreover, many tools can't add logo to the two-dimensional code (just like the two-dimensional code of Wechat). Next, I'll talk ab ...

Posted by artacus on Sun, 13 Oct 2019 07:07:05 +0200

Front-end vue, jquery / background java to generate two-dimensional code

Recent projects need to develop the function of generating two-dimensional codes to facilitate the publicity and use of products, so I went to research, the following is the research results. 1. Using jquery to generate two-dimensional codes <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <ti ...

Posted by kripz on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 05:38:29 +0200

Write a two-dimensional code generation library with Swift to support adding various strange styles and finding a wave of support~

EFQRCode is a library written in Swift for generating and recognizing two-dimensional codes. It is developed based on generating and recognizing two-dimensional codes of the system. Generation: Using the input watermarking image/icon and other resources to generate a variety of art two-dimensional codes; Recognition: Recognition rate is highe ...

Posted by Petran76 on Sun, 14 Jul 2019 00:52:28 +0200

Using javascript to generate two-dimensional code images of the current blog address

Previous remarks A good blog post was found on the computer and wanted to be accessed on the mobile phone. At this point, you have to open the mobile browser to enter long ones. URL Address is OK. It's very inconvenient. If the blog title is followed by a small picture, click on the picture, a two-dimensional code of the big picture appears, a ...

Posted by Fahid on Sat, 29 Jun 2019 19:33:02 +0200

Using Temporary Two-Dimensional Code to Realize Wechat Scanning Login Function on Computer Browser-EasyWeChat Edition

> This method was initially used in the absence of "Wechat Open Platform", but now many websites are using it. In short, it generates a temporary two-dimensional code and puts it on the server. Then it scans the two-dimensional code and passes the value to the server for comparison, so as to realize landing, which is similar to the ...

Posted by Dane on Tue, 25 Jun 2019 20:08:45 +0200

Summary of recognition of two-dimensional codes under python

Recently, two-dimensional code image recognition has been used in the project. Under python, two-dimensional code recognition has three main modules: zbar, zbarlight and zxing. 1. Use of three modules: #-*-coding=utf-8-*- import os import logging import zbar from PIL import Image import zxing import random import zbarlight logg ...

Posted by rock_xl1 on Sat, 15 Jun 2019 01:58:18 +0200

Java Spring MVC Implements the Complete Edition of Web Payment on PC

First: Previous period WeChat Payment of literacy knowledge The prerequisite is that we have already applied for the public number of Wechat payment function, and then we need to get the public number APPID and the Wechat business number, which can be found on the Wechat public number and the Wechat payment business platform respectively. In f ...

Posted by phpmady on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 23:37:02 +0200