Print jQuery. html with browser jqprint-0.3. js to create a general bill template js

For the company's product projects, the architecture used is relatively old, and the print plug-in tool is OCX. This has great limitations. You can only use IE browser, which is not even supported by EDGE browser, and you need to adjust the security configuration of IE browser. Based on the above reasons, the project decided to change the prin ...

Posted by stomlin on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 04:30:18 +0100

Day 19: regular expressions

Inheritance: let the subclass directly own all the properties and methods of the parent class class Class name(Parent 1, parent 2,...): pass 1. Regular expression Regular expressions are a tool to simplify complex string problems 1) Regular expressions are composed of various regular symbols 2) Introduction to re module re module is ...

Posted by webwalker00 on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 22:51:42 +0100

How Java splits strings

If there is such a string of character sequence "silent King II, an interesting programmer", it needs to be split according to the Chinese comma "," which means that the first string of character sequence is "silent King II" before the comma and the second string of character sequence is "an interesting progra ...

Posted by mcl on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 05:19:16 +0100

Chapter 10 regular expression re of built-in modules

Special characters In the string used to compile regular expressions, some characters and strings will be given special meanings. To restore the original meaning of characters, you can escape with [\], and each [\] can only escape the next character wildcard[.] not \ n\d\D\s\S\w\WnumberNon numericblankNon blankwordNon wordLegal character\t\n ...

Posted by GooberDLX on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 07:02:12 +0100

JS string method summary

1. length Returns the length of the string. Example: let str = 'ASDFGHJKL; l0' console.log('The string length is:' + str.length); Output: 2. indexOf() Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified text in a string. Example: let str = 'ASDFGHJKL; l0AS'; let index = str.indexOf('S'); console.log('The index is:' + index) ...

Posted by LOUDMOUTH on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 04:17:28 +0100

[suggestions collection] 25 + regular interview questions are analyzed in detail, so that you can easily pass the regular interview and write 2000 lines of code less

preface Digital thousandth division, 3-3-4 format splicing of mobile phone number, implementation of trim function, HTML escape, obtaining url query parameters... Do you often encounter them in interviews and work? Let's see how to catch them all with regular!!! 1. Division of thousands of digital prices Change 123456789 to 123456789 I ...

Posted by baranwalpk on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 05:18:56 +0100

Compare two times in js

Demand: set a collection time for unpaid items. The user can customize the collection time. If the current time exceeds the collection time set by the user, an alert prompt will pop up when the operation and management personnel log in to the system This article focuses on!!! js for time difference, I have sorted out three implementation metho ...

Posted by stephenf33 on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 03:22:50 +0100

Five methods of JavaScript regular expressions

This paper introduces some common uses of writing regular expressions in JavaScript. 1. match() match() is used with a string to check the match between the string and the regular expression , regex , with the regular expression as an argument. grammar: str.match(regex); Method returns three possible values: If the regular expression ...

Posted by freelancedeve on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 23:54:35 +0100

Regular expression RegExp

1, Concept of regular expression Regular expression is a logical formula for string operation. It uses some specific characters defined in advance and the combination of these specific characters to form a "regular string". This "regular string" is used to express a filtering logic for strings. 2, Composition of regula ...

Posted by Boxerman on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 02:26:21 +0100

A quick start to regular expressions and the use of Python re modules

1. Regular expression 30 minute introductory tutorial Definition: regular expression is a formula for filtering strings that meet rules. It can be used to find strings that meet some complex rules. For example, when setting a password, you can set a regular expression to match the specified "need to contain letters and numbers", so ...

Posted by Unholy Prayer on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 10:17:41 +0100