UCOS III learning record - time base list

Reference content: Chapter 13 of [wildfire] uCOS-III Kernel Implementation and application development Practical Guide - based on STM32. 1 data type definition and macro definition 1.1 time base list related macro definitions and global variables (os_cfg_app. H / C & OS. H) In os_cfg_app.h, the macro defines the size of the time base ...

Posted by austar on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 13:05:36 +0100

Learning notes for the introduction to LiteOS - environment construction

preface Taking time to study and compare several RTOS, such as RT thread, FreeRTOS, LiteOS, etc., we found that LiteOS is also quite good. So download the source code, view the documents, configure the development environment, and start the learning journey of LiteOS.   Environment construction The development of embedded software requires ...

Posted by volant on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 17:42:34 +0100

Embedded real-time operating system 7 - task priority table

1. Purpose of task priority table The priority table is used to indicate whether there are ready tasks under the corresponding priority. The operating system kernel always selects the task execution from the highest priority in the priority table, and the ready table is dynamically updated. For example, let's understand the task priority table ...

Posted by essexboy on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 10:01:11 +0100

RT thread official smart home DIY learning notes

Tip: after the article is written, the directory can be generated automatically. Please refer to the help document on the right for how to generate it preface This paper is a summary of the official smart home DIY project of learning RT thread. It is developed based on RT thread studio, using stm32f103 as the node to send data and stm32 ...

Posted by svan_rv on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 07:12:27 +0100

FreeRTOS series - event flag group

preface Using semaphores can complete the synchronization between tasks, but using semaphores to synchronize tasks can only synchronize with a single event or task. Sometimes a task may need to be synchronized with multiple events or tasks, and the semaphore is powerless. FreeRTOS provides an optional solution for this, which is the event ...

Posted by tnylsej on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 23:26:55 +0100