Practice the design pattern of GoF 23: SOLID principle

Abstract: This paper will describe the interface isolation principle and Dependency Inversion Principle in SOLID principle. This article is shared from the Huawei cloud community "practice the design pattern of GoF 23: SOLID principle (Part 2)", author: yuan Runzi. In< Practice 23 design modes of GoF: SOLID principle (I) >In ...

Posted by Atanu on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 05:13:32 +0100

Object oriented design principles

Original text: As a popular programming mode, object-oriented is powerful, but it is also difficult to master. A beginner who has just come into contact with object-oriented, from being able to write some simple classes to being able to complete excellent object-oriented design alone, the whole pr ...

Posted by bobby317 on Sat, 06 Nov 2021 11:25:36 +0100