[learning notes] STM32F1 serial port asynchronous transceiver (register, standard library, HAL Library)

catalogue 5. Serial port configuration (asynchronous transceiver) 1. Experiment contents and steps: 2. Hardware description 3. Register description        1. Clock and GPIO configuration        2. USART1 configuration        3. USART1 RX interrupt ...

Posted by ilangovanbe2005 on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 05:32:11 +0100

[learning notes] STM32F1 general timer PWM (register, standard library, HAL Library)

catalogue 11. Universal timer PWM 1. Experiment contents and steps: 2. Hardware description 3. Explain the steps in detail 3.1 timer configuration 3.2 timer output PWM configuration 4. Program design (register) 5. Program design (Standard Library) 6. Program design (HAL Library) 7. Experimental results 8. Source code download   11 ...

Posted by zicco on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 06:36:34 +0100