VTK notes PLOT3D format and exploration vtkProbeFilter

PLOT3D format PLOT3D data format originated from NASA and is widely used in CFD data files with regular grids. ASCII or FORTRAN formatted files can also be used. PLOT3D file is divided into grid file (XYZ file), aerodynamic result file (Q file) and general result file (function file + function name file). The so-called IBlank parameter can be ...

Posted by JoeBuntu on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:06:03 +0100

VTK notes - VTK math tool vtkMath class (unfinished)

vtkMath vtkMath provides a way to perform common mathematical operations. These include providing constants, such as Pi; Conversion from degrees to radians; Vector operations, such as dot product, cross product and vector norm; Matrix determinants of 2x2 and 3x3 matrices; Univariate polynomial solver; For random number generation (backward com ...

Posted by sunder on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 20:22:47 +0100