vue class dynamic binding

Class is bound to Style The class list and inline style of operation elements are a common requirement of data binding. Because they are all attribute s, we can handle them with v-bind: we just need to calculate the string result through the expression. However, string splicing is cumbersome and error prone. Therefore, when using v-bind for cla ...

Posted by coderb on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 05:52:30 +0100

Jingtao project - user login module_ day11

1.ElementUI 1.1 introduction to elementui Link: ElementUI official website 1.2 ElementUI introduction case 1. Edit components You can directly click ctrl+c/v in the component module In elementui Paste ctrl+v directly in Vue component file 2. js file import //1. Import components from JS file import { Container } from 'element-ui' // ...

Posted by violinrocker on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 02:55:25 +0100

vue from introduction to mastery [vuex]

vue from introduction to mastery [vuex] (VII) Vuex is a large public warehouse. Vuex can help us manage shared state, with more concepts and frameworks. Vuex implements a one-way data flow. It has a state to store data globally. When a component wants to change the data in the state, it must do so through changes. Changes also provides a subsc ...

Posted by contex on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 00:00:59 +0100

Responsive website - media query

1. What is a responsive website Responsive is a technical method of web design, which can make the website have suitable presentation corresponding to different resolutions when browsing on different devices (from desktop computer display to mobile phone or other mobile product devices). 2. Core logic of responsive website Elegant downgrade, c ...

Posted by thessoro on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 20:52:09 +0100

Handwritten a simple vue response to take you to understand the principle of response

Vue2.x-response principle 1. Application of defineproperty In vue2 X response uses defineProperty for data hijacking, so we must have a certain understanding of it. Let's first understand its usage. Here, we use defineProperty to simulate data in Vue. <body> <div id="app"></div> <script> // Simulate Vu ...

Posted by introvert on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 19:31:52 +0100

Basic concept of Vuex -- application state management of vue

preface With the WEB single page With the rise of (SPA) technology, more and more back-end work has been transferred to the front-end, and data sharing between different components has become an urgent problem to be solved. One component changes the data value, and other components using the data should make positive response and change, which ...

Posted by xiao on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 15:51:11 +0100

Vue force update VM$ forceUpdate()

1. Business background The reason for this problem is: when the Vue page performs data rendering, hierarchical nesting or multiple data binding makes the component information box data unable to be monitored by Vue in real time. Therefore, the data changes but there is no response to updating or deleting the data of the corresponding informati ...

Posted by Sonu Kapoor on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 14:19:03 +0100

Vue basic use of higher-order Vuex

I. Introduction Data transmission in Vue components is mainly through parent-child communication, However, when the project reaches a medium and large scale, the communication logic in the component will become very complex. At this time, we can use Vuex to store and process data globallyVuex's accurate official definition is a state manag ...

Posted by sunshine66 on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 03:38:14 +0100

Vue+elementUi selector remote search

Vue+elementUi selector remote search Front end code: According to the example given by the official, basically pick it up Official address This is my code <el-form-item label="Project Leader" prop="projectLeader"> <el-select v-model="form.projectLeader" filterable remote placeholder="P ...

Posted by demouser on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 06:21:38 +0100

webpack packaging tool in Vue

catalogue 1 basic concepts of webpack 2webpack usage steps Configuration of 3webpack 4webpack development server 1 basic concepts of webpack The official website of webpack is given below Concept | webpack Chinese document ( Previously written websites have a lot of files and a large volume, so we can use it to simplify o ...

Posted by Jeremy_North on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 00:18:59 +0100