Reliable app reinforcement sharing

Let's take a look at the general process first Reinforced aerial view 1. Write the encryption method as a tool method for subsequent encryption and decryption preparation. 2. Write proxy Application (ProxyApplication) as the pseudo entry of apk after reinforcement. (when ProxyApplication is used as a pseudo entry, decrypt the encrypted apk ...

Posted by devork on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:52:26 +0100

Using craco to optimize the construction of cra project

Modify the configuration of CRA project A project created with create react app cannot modify its internal webpack configuration by default. Unlike Vue cli, it can be modified through a configuration file. Although an eject command can completely expose the configuration, it is an irreversible operation and will lose the convenien ...

Posted by ajcrm125 on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:49:55 +0100

Flink streaming API

1 Environment 1.1 getExecutionEnvironment Create an execution environment that represents the context of the current executing program. If the program is called independently, this method returns to the local execution environment; If the program is called from the command-line client to submit to the cluster, this method returns the execut ...

Posted by kristolklp on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:49:27 +0100

Vue component value transfer

Vue parent-child component value transfer Function of components Components are user-defined elements, extensible html elements, and encapsulate reusable code. Benefits: 1. If there is a function that can be used in many places, there is no need to write this function repeatedly as a component; 2. The content of the page will be concise; Co ...

Posted by ben_johnson1991 on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:48:35 +0100

vmstat command of Linux

Vmstat is the abbreviation of virtual memory statistics, which can monitor the virtual memory, process and CPU activity of the operating system. He makes statistics on the overall situation of the system. The disadvantage is that it is unable to make an in-depth analysis of a process. The vmstat tool provides a low overhead way to observe syste ...

Posted by Anxious on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:45:56 +0100

JVM 01-jvm and Java architecture

1 JVM and Java architecture Java is not the most powerful language, but JVM is the most powerful virtual machine 1.1 JVM is a cross language platform The JVM needs class files as raw materials, which are compiled and interpreted into machine instructions for execution A class we have written in the IDE is Java end of the file, but ...

Posted by zoozoo on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:41:10 +0100

Dynamic programming (knapsack problem)

A - upper step 2 Xiaogua wants to go up a total of N steps. Due to the special leg length of xiaogua, he can only go up 1 or 3 or 5 steps at a time. Xiaogua wants to know how many ways he can get up these n steps. Can you help him? Input An integer n (n < = 100000) in a row indicates that there are n steps in total. Output An integer i ...

Posted by cupboy on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:34:44 +0100

Quantitative technology of data - Part III understanding backtrade

Interested children, especially children's shoes, especially in the application of big data and artificial intelligence in quantification, can pay attention to my official account. If the script code is not clear, please see the official account number: datahomex: Through the introduction of the previous two articles in this series, we must ...

Posted by leocon on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:13:08 +0100

Freemaker page static technology

I background When accessing dynamic pages, users need to send a request to query the database through ajax to obtain dynamic data for display, but if the page has a large amount of visits and the data in the database changes frequently The rate is not high, which will cause great access pressure to the database. How to decompress the da ...

Posted by PrivatePile on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:11:10 +0100

CentOS7 firewall tutorial

1. Introduction 1.1 INTRODUCTION A firewall is a way to protect a machine from any unwanted external communication. It allows users to control the incoming network traffic on the host by defining a set of firewall rules. These rules are used to sort incoming traffic, either block it, or allow it to pass. firewalld is a firewall service daemon ...

Posted by austingecko on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:05:24 +0100