[optimization prediction] cuckoo algorithm optimization grey model prediction [Matlab 1244]

1, Introduction to cuckoo algorithm Cuckoo algorithm is called Cuckoo search (CS algorithm) in English. First of all, let's introduce the English meaning of this algorithm. Cuckoo means cuckoo bird. What is cuckoo bird? It is a bird called cuckoo, o(∩∩) o. this bird's mother is very lazy. She lays her own eggs and doesn't raise them he ...

Posted by lyealain on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 04:57:52 +0100

Tree dp (super detailed)

Usually, we start from the root node, do depth first search to the child nodes, and combine the optimal solutions of the child nodes to obtain the optimal solution of the node. For some problems, we need to start from the root node again and do a depth first search to the child nodes. For each node in the tree (except the root node), the inform ...

Posted by rdbdba on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 03:04:48 +0100

[force deduction time] [1154] [simple] the day of the year

Today's question is a little hard to say 1. Look at the questions I'm a question The title was written in great detail, and the case s given were also very good. Some special situations were taken into account. 2. Examining questions After reading the title, you should all smile. Ah? Right here, right here? Is it a simple probl ...

Posted by durahman on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 02:19:39 +0100

Chapter VII - Binary Trees

Basic concepts of binary trees Binary trees are similar to quadratic trees, but differ slightly from quadratic trees: A tree with a degree of 2 has at least one node with a degree of 2, which is not required for a binary tree. In short, a binary tree can degenerate into a chain. 2. Trees with 2 degrees can distinguish left from right subtree ...

Posted by SumitGupta on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:53:37 +0100

Basic algorithm Course August 24, 2021

#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int N = 20000,M=2000000; int h[N], e[M], ne[M], idx; void add(int a, int b) // Add an edge a - > b { e[idx] = b, ne[idx] = h[a], h[a] = idx ++ ; } int match[N],st[N]; bool find(int x) { for (int i = h[x]; i != -1; i = ne[i]) ...

Posted by iamchris on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:31:37 +0100

[quadruped robot -- control command input and conversion] analysis of the input code for converting the remote control handle state command to the robot trunk state

Catalogue of series articles Tip: you can add the directories of all articles in the series here. You need to add the directories manually TODO: finishing after writing preface Limited cognition, I hope you will forgive me. If you have any problems, I hope to communicate with you and grow together! Firstly, this paper briefly intro ...

Posted by DrFishNips on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:20:38 +0100

LeetCode-056 consolidation interval

Merge interval Title Description: an array of intervals is used to represent a set of several intervals, in which a single interval is intervals[i] = [starti, endi]. Please merge all overlapping intervals and return a non overlapping interval array, which needs to cover all the intervals in the input. See LeetCode's official website for a ...

Posted by Serpent7 on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 23:24:54 +0100

Abstract factory pattern of JAVA design pattern

I. overview 1.1 definitions Provide an interface for creating a set of related or interdependent objects without specifying their specific classes. Abstract factory pattern belongs to creation patternThe factory method pattern can only create one type of product per factory, while the abstract factory pattern can create multiple types of pro ...

Posted by tbach2 on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 22:01:59 +0100

Algorithm summary - bubble sort

Algorithm definition Bubble sort is a kind of exchange sort and a relatively simple sort algorithm. According to the definition of encyclopedia, it repeatedly visits the element column to be sorted, compares two adjacent elements in turn, and exchanges them if the order is wrong. The work of visiting elements is repeated until no adjacent elem ...

Posted by Aybabtu on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 20:16:43 +0100

Network flow - bipartite graph matching - pilot pairing scheme problem - network flow question 24 - Luogu P2756

Network flow - bipartite graph matching - pilot pairing scheme problem - network flow question 24 - Luogu P2756 Title Description There are n pilots in total, including M foreign pilots and (n - m) British pilots. Foreign pilots are numbered from 1 to m and British pilots are numbered from m + 1 to n. For a given cooperation between foreign p ...

Posted by daven on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 17:14:17 +0100