docker deployment specification - integration with gitlab-ci

docker deployment specification - integration with gitlab-ci This specification is summarized as follows, based on a number of project practices Continuously integrated project directory structure A complete product will contain multiple services, such as web services, java services, python services, etc. And the code for each service co ...

Posted by iceblox on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 18:43:36 +0100

Tree array and Leaderboard

I. problem elicitation Internet products should be designed with a ranking list, which is based on scores. The score range is [11000], and each score can have more than one person. 1. Xiao Ming's score is 300. Find out its ranking. 2. After a period of time, the scores of some users have changed, and Xiaoming's scores have also changed. Ask ...

Posted by grevathi_02 on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 03:44:23 +0100

Jenkins continuous integration (CI)

Jenkins continuous integration (CI) What is CI/CD CI(Continuous integration), which means continuous integration in Chinese, is a kind of software development time. Continuous integration emphasizes that developers immediately build and (unit) test after submitting new code. According to the test results, we can determine whether the new code ...

Posted by ShibSta on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 15:34:53 +0100

RxSwift + Moya + HandyJSON + various plug-ins to build a responsive network architecture

🧚. RxSwift + Moya + HandyJSON + Plugins.👒👒👒 English |Simplified Chinese Build responsive data binding network API architecture based on RxSwift + Moya MoyaNetwork The module is based on the network API architecture encapsulated by Moya It is mainly divided into the following 8 parts: NetworkConfig : set the configuration informati ...

Posted by sasi on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 02:27:08 +0100

Demonstration of Spring Cloud Alibaba integrated architecture

Spring Cloud is a comprehensive microservice framework set, which integrates the implementation of functions such as service registration and discovery, configuration center, message bus, load balancing, circuit breaker, API gateway and so on. On the Internet, it is often found that Spring Cloud and Alibaba's Dubbo make a choice and comparis ...

Posted by tapdancingtenor on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 14:29:27 +0100

elasticsearch and canal build master-slave replication architecture to integrate spring boot practice

catalogue preface Build environment Multi table structure design of elastic search spring data elasticsearch practice preface The last article completed the construction of elasticsearch and elasticsearch head. This chapter will be brought into spring boot for development and integration. Spring boot provides a lot of convenience for j ...

Posted by nasser on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 00:22:00 +0100

ucore lab3 learning notes sorting

With the help of page table mechanism and interrupt exception handling mechanism, this experiment completes the implementation of page fault exception handling and fifo page replacement algorithm. ucore established mm_struct and vma_struct data structure, which describes the legal memory space required by ucore simulation application. vma_ The ...

Posted by robot_nader on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 21:25:48 +0100

Out of the box micro service framework go zero (Advanced)

We briefly introduced go zero before. See go Zero: out of the box micro service framework for details. This time, we will start from the user module of a Blog project and describe the use of go zero in detail. In particular, all materials involved in this article have been uploaded to Github warehouse "kougazhan / go zero demo", and ...

Posted by Pobega on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 22:37:19 +0100

Write a Spring framework with 300 lines of code

Author: Tom bomb architecture Original link: Handwritten a Spring framework with 300 lines of code. Although the sparrow is small, it has five dirty parts - Nuggets This article is excerpted from Spring 5 core principles 1 custom configuration 1.1 configure application Properties file For the convenience of parsing, we use application ...

Posted by CrusaderSean on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 03:10:50 +0100

Java uses thumbnail to gracefully handle images -- image transcoding and thumbnail generation

"This is the fourth day of my participation in 2022's first update challenge. See the activity details: 2022 first update challenge」. Article introduction Sometimes, our project needs to generate small thumbnails for business images or transcode the image format. What method will you use? Directly use object storage and hand over bu ...

Posted by nishmgopal on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 08:58:20 +0100