Material Design Style TextInputLayout Use

Introduction to TextInput Layout TextInput Layout is a text input layout based on the Material Design style of Google. The main feature is that in style, the first sentence of the official introduction is when the input text is displayed or hidden, EditText shows the layout of floating labels. Look at the style first. Styles actually have ...

Posted by mapexdrum on Mon, 24 Jun 2019 22:30:52 +0200

Architect's Way: ASM Implementing Simple AOP

principle Java classes are stored in strictly formatted. class files, which have sufficient metadata to parse all elements in the class: Class name, method, attribute, java bytecode instruction. ASM reads the above information from the class file and provides an interface to access and modify the information, thus changing the original behavior ...

Posted by mwilson2 on Mon, 24 Jun 2019 21:25:49 +0200

The Little Thing Initiated by iOS translucent

Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article I believe you will almost always use navigationController or tabBarController in the project. In the era of iOS 6, the navigation bar is a bit ugly. However, after the arrival of iOS 7, the interface has changed d ...

Posted by j4ymf on Mon, 24 Jun 2019 20:32:15 +0200

Primary JS realizes the three-level linkage selection of provinces, cities and counties

Original address Look at it. Write in front Some time ago, I wrote something about the weather. The choice of cities in the provinces and cities (counties) made me very headache. Most of the searches on the Internet relied on plug-ins or third-party libraries. I felt that the code would be very heavy, so I simply realized several ways ...

Posted by mukeshgulia on Mon, 24 Jun 2019 00:27:46 +0200

A detailed summary of Hibernate's hql query statements

Hql, Hibernate Query Language, is an object-oriented query language, which is based on objects, not tables and fields in the database. 1. Preparation Firstly, there are two classes: TBook class and Category class. There is a many-to-one relationship between them. Two classes correspond to two tables. Let's save some data first. @Test p ...

Posted by nrerup on Sun, 23 Jun 2019 21:05:46 +0200

J2Cache Level 2 Cache'No Auto Update'

Popularization of secondary caching for small group partners Description of two-level caching Afterwards, the small partners in the group developed the announcement function by using the secondary cache. The functions are as follows: <cache name="notice" maxElementsInMemory="100000" eternal="false" overflowToDisk="fals ...

Posted by LazyJones on Sun, 23 Jun 2019 00:19:59 +0200

Load Runner stress test

LoadRunner Installation 1.Copy the address, then open Xunlei, create a new one, select a large disk space, display 4.02G Of ISO file ...

Posted by scarface222 on Sun, 23 Jun 2019 00:18:07 +0200

Preliminary Understanding and Understanding of vue Source Code

According to the introduction of vue's official website, we can know that Vue is a mvvm framework and is responsive. In order to further understand its connotation, I realized a simple demo of mvvm learning. Below to share with you, welcome to discuss together. 1. The minimum content of mvvm Instruction sets, such as text, model, etc. Data ...

Posted by edcellgavin on Sat, 22 Jun 2019 21:38:02 +0200

Differences and Relations between Array and Array List

The blogger went to an internship interview in java today and found that many of the most basic data structures in java are unfamiliar to the blogger. When the interviewer asked some common data structures such as HashMap, the blogger could answer the question first, but when asked about the difference and connection between Array and Array Lis ...

Posted by luminous on Sat, 22 Jun 2019 21:08:00 +0200

Detailed explanation of the singleton model

 Singleton Design PatternsSingleton is a kind of creation mode, which means that a class uses Singleton mode. After the class is created, only one instance can be generated for external access and a global access point can be provided.The core knowledge points are as follows:(1) The construction method of the class using the singleton desi ...

Posted by sholah on Sat, 22 Jun 2019 02:40:45 +0200