python SMTP mail delivery

This example uses the python 2.7 environment, and python 3 should operate similarly. Two packages, smtplib and email, are required. Send text type mail Here's an example of sending text messages (using SMTP from NetEase 163): # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.header import Header from email. ...

Posted by PlasmaDragon on Fri, 10 May 2019 09:20:03 +0200

RabbitMQ - Consumer "Unprocessed Messages" Lost

A pit about the client (consumer) opening the automatic response and restarting the "lost unprocessed messages". (Mainly lack of understanding of RabbitMQ) First of all, to state that the so-called "lost message" in this article does not refer to the loss of message in memory due to server downtime, restart and other reasons ...

Posted by jeffery1493 on Fri, 10 May 2019 02:10:04 +0200

JAVA-The "Generic" of Essay

What is generics? The most effective way to understand a technical point is to first look at the official document explanation, OK, the generic definition given by the official website:Generics are a new feature of Java SE 1.5. The essence of generics is parameterized type, that is to say, the data type being operated on is sp ...

Posted by ChaosKnight on Fri, 10 May 2019 01:16:02 +0200

Spring Cloud Alibaba Integrated Sentinel Flow Control

Previously, we used to integrate sentinel dependencies directly, configure rules by encoding, and so on. Ali already has an open source framework spring-cloud-alibaba for integration into Spring Cloud, which is used to successfully integrate a series of frameworks into Spring Cloud. My version of Spring Cloud is Finchley.SR2, and Spring Boot is ...

Posted by maheshb on Thu, 09 May 2019 23:50:03 +0200

[Android] ScrollMenuLayout, a low-intrusion RecyclerView sliding menu control

Suddenly, I want to realize the sliding menu control in RecyclerView by myself. I've read several articles about the gods, including those from ViewGroup, RecyclerView, etc....................... But they don't quite meet my expectations. I hope it's a simple old project that can be used quickly. So after reading a few articles ...

Posted by kof20012 on Wed, 08 May 2019 21:42:03 +0200

python crawls through the free fiction Web

These days, my friends say they want to read e-books, but they can only read them on the Internet, but they can't download them to the local area. What can I do? I looked at several novel websites. You can only read them directly on the Internet. To download txt, you have to buy members for money, and you can't copy and paste them directly on t ...

Posted by ironman on Wed, 08 May 2019 19:27:03 +0200

maven-assembly-plugin plug-in learning in pom files

Source of the article: I. Use scenarios If the project is a micro-service architecture, the probability of using this plug-in is relatively high. Normally, ordinary projects do not need such an implementation. If a part of the common functionality ...

Posted by phpshift on Tue, 07 May 2019 14:45:04 +0200

[uber-zap/part2] custom recorder

Explain A previous translation of a tutorial (without backing up the original address, the ladder was sealed). Add the original address after finding it text Using the default recorder saves time, but if you decide to adjust the recorder, you need to explore ways to customize the recorder Using zap configuration structure to create recorders Yo ...

Posted by pbase on Mon, 06 May 2019 17:40:03 +0200

java implements batch conversion of file encoding formats

1. Description of the scene I don't know if you've ever encountered a situation where the previous project was GBK and now you need to replace it all with UTF-8. I've encountered it anyway. eclipse can change the encoding format of the project, but if the file is converted directly, the Chinese language inside will be completely scrambled. Yo ...

Posted by RedMaster on Mon, 06 May 2019 10:15:03 +0200

scale Gradient Scaling for Android Basic Animation

Xiaocai recently learned about ViewPager's animation, which I am ashamed to say has not been carefully understood for so long. Today, I intentionally learn about Android's basic animation. Android's basic animations include alpha (transparency) / scale (zooming) / translate (displacement) / rotate (rotation). Learn about scale gradient zooming ...

Posted by s1m0n on Mon, 06 May 2019 08:45:04 +0200