Dynamic Modification of Application Icon and Name in AndroidManifest.xml

I. activity-alias Tags Android supports dynamic modification of application icons and application names. Apps such as Taobao and Jingdong automatically change icons without updating when they are double 11 and double 12, so the best application scenario for dynamically updating the icons and names of applications is just like that used in pro ...

Posted by biba028 on Sun, 19 May 2019 04:19:28 +0200

Alipay interface integration and error elimination

I integrated Alipay interface to pay for it, but there seems to be no callback in notify_url.php. Therefore, according to official documents, I made the following modifications. $verify_result = $alipayNotify->verifyNotify();   if($verify_result) {       //Merchant Order Number       $order_id = $_POST['out_trade_no'];       //Alipay tran ...

Posted by jandrox_ox on Sat, 18 May 2019 14:06:13 +0200

Detailed parsing of I/O operations

I/O operations Article Directory I/O operations 1: File operation 1. Determine whether the file exists 2. Determine whether it is a file 3. Create and delete files 4. Create a directory 2: I\O Flow Operation 1. (1) OutputStream with byte streams 1. (2) Write using a character output stream (Writer) 2. Read data using by ...

Posted by illzz on Sat, 18 May 2019 13:23:52 +0200

Use of Ant in Eclipse

1. View the version of ant plug-in in eclipse Enter the plugins folder in the eclipse installation directory to see the corresponding version of the ant plug-in (not only ant, but also other plug-in versions): 2. Demo-TestTomcat (using previous testTomcat projects) Create a new build. XML in the root directory (name can be changed, but usu ...

Posted by fatmart on Sat, 18 May 2019 06:59:57 +0200

Forecast the salary of python data analysts

The first two blogs retrieve information about python data analysis in the Label (tab) https://www.cnblogs.com/lyuzt/p/10636501.html ) and visual analysis of the acquired data ( https://www.cnblogs.com/lyuzt/p/10643941.html This time, we use sklearn to make a simple salary forecast for python data analysts with different academic qualifications ...

Posted by germanjulian on Fri, 17 May 2019 13:45:20 +0200

About DuiLib's DPI Adaptation

In some cases, although DuiLib can zoom normally with high DPI settings, the zoomed display is not good, the text and picture display is blurred, which affects the user experience. After many experiments, the solutions are as follows: In the project file settings, make property settings for the corresponding project: one In Proj ...

Posted by slicer123 on Thu, 16 May 2019 13:09:14 +0200

mysql character set and data type

Lesson_2 MySql-2 1.1 character set Character Set: A set of binary codes for visible characters when they are saved and transmitted. Character sets are used in two places 1. Save data 2. Data transmission 1.2 Use Character Sets for Survival 1. MySQL can specify character encoding on servers, databases, tables a ...

Posted by Greaser9780 on Wed, 15 May 2019 19:48:27 +0200

Movie Recommendation Using Surprise Package

Surprise (Simple Python Recommendation System Engine) is a recommendation system library, which is one of the scikit series. Simple and easy to use, while supporting a variety of recommendation algorithms (basic algorithm, collaborative filtering, matrix decomposition, etc.). The following purposes are taken into account when ...

Posted by dopp on Wed, 15 May 2019 15:35:12 +0200

(8) A Byte of Python: Input and Output

If you want to get the user's input and print some returned results to the user. We can achieve this requirement through the input() function and the print function, respectively. For input, we can also use various methods of the str (String, String) class. Another common input and output type is processing files. 1. User input content def rev ...

Posted by phprock on Tue, 14 May 2019 21:09:22 +0200

Pthon Crawler-requests Library Learning Summary

Requests are written in the python language based on urllib, but Python provides a more convenient network request method, the requests library, than the cumbersome urllib.request library. I. Basic Methods 1.GET Request The bottom-level functions written by the get API are as follows, which must be passed as a URL, optional pa ...

Posted by j0n on Tue, 14 May 2019 17:48:31 +0200