Template engine: Chapter 3: using Freemark to promote enterprise SEO

Why do SEO? When the company's project is nearing the end, it needs to be promoted at this time. At this time, it needs SEO. What is SEO? SEO Chinese translation is search engine optimization. It uses the rules of search engines to improve the natural ranking of websites in relevant search engines. The purpose is to make it occupy a leading po ...

Posted by Cagez on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 21:36:03 +0200

web front-end project integrates both JSP and FreeMaker_u_Multi-view Parser Configuration

*In 2017, at the request of the company, responsible for research and development of intelligent analysis platform, using OLAP technology to analyze tax data from multiple dimensions, levels and cross-business domains, discover data characteristics, summarize tax laws, and support leadership decision-making. After nearly a year, it was finally ...

Posted by brob on Wed, 08 Jul 2020 16:28:31 +0200

Configuration of spring MVC in spring boot

Using spring MVC in spring boot To use spring MVC in spring boot, you only need to introduce spring boot starter web (provided that the pom file of the project is inherited from spring boot starter parent): <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring- ...

Posted by Firestorm ZERO on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 03:11:10 +0200

[springboot] render web page

Spring Boot provides the following template engines for default configuration: Thymeleaf FreeMarker Velocity Groovy Mustache Note: avoid using JSP, JSP can't realize many features of Spring Boot; Integrate jsp Tips: 1. Packing method war 2. To import a pom file: <!-- Introduce freeMarker Dependency package. - ...

Posted by sureshp on Mon, 30 Mar 2020 22:53:41 +0200

springboot integrates thmeleaf template engine (a must for novices)

About what tymeleaf is: 1.Thymeleaf is a popular template engine, which is developed in Java language. In addition to thmeleaf, there are template engines such as Velocity and FreeMarker, with similar functions. 2.Thymeleaf can run in the environment with and without network, that is to say, it allows ...

Posted by kvnirvana on Fri, 06 Mar 2020 06:24:34 +0100

Getting started with FreeMarker

1. What is FreeMarker FreeMarker is a template engine: a template based, used to generate output text (any text from HTML format is used to automatically generate the source Code). It is a development package or class library for Java programmers. FreeMarker's design is actually used to generate HTML ...

Posted by b-real on Thu, 13 Feb 2020 07:42:30 +0100

Java Web generates Word document (freemarker mode)

First, add the following dependency to the pom file (if not the Maven project, just import the jar package into the project) <dependency> <groupId>org.freemarker</groupId> <artifactId>freemarker</artifactId> <version>2.3.23</version> </dependency> 1. Create a word document with ...

Posted by ptbsG_Man on Fri, 06 Dec 2019 09:36:59 +0100

Spring Boot 2 series of tutorials Spring Boot integrates Freemarker

Let's talk about Spring Boot integration Freemarker today. About Freemarker This is a quite old and open source free template engine. With Freemarker template, we can render data into HTML web pages, e-mails, configuration files, source code, etc. Freemarker is not for end users, but a Java class library, which we can embed into our products as ...

Posted by lszanto on Wed, 16 Oct 2019 05:06:14 +0200

Web-Servlet Technology Stack of Spring Framework Documents

Spring Web MVC DispatcherServlet Use Java configuration or web.xml to declare and map according to the Servlet specification. The Spring configuration is then used to discover the delegate components needed for request mapping, view resolution, exception handling, etc. Servlet configuration public class MyWebApplicationInitializer implements ...

Posted by dopp on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 05:47:30 +0200

Java uses the FreeMarker engine to automate enumeration and script generation

Have a good laugh [The weather was hot and the cabinet was turned upside down for half a day. Find out that all the famous short sleeves feel too high-profile to wear out, such as what China Telecom Ah Tianyi 4G Ah Mrs. Le Chi Jing Ah Lotus flower Ah Hai Tian soy sauce.The most precious one is that Stanley Compound Fertilizer tangled with Liu N ...

Posted by fiddlehead_cons on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 20:27:53 +0200