Go to the front end - HTML

preface author:get lostのsheep Share your experience of learning here,I hope I can help my friends at the front end of beginner's school Become a better front-end developer If there is a mistake in reading the front-end vegetable chicken in the University, thank you for your correction DAY1 step into HTML What is HTML? HTML Is a markup ...

Posted by russthebarber on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 22:03:05 +0100

Responsive website - media query

1. What is a responsive website Responsive is a technical method of web design, which can make the website have suitable presentation corresponding to different resolutions when browsing on different devices (from desktop computer display to mobile phone or other mobile product devices). 2. Core logic of responsive website Elegant downgrade, c ...

Posted by thessoro on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 20:52:09 +0100

Getting to know CSS section 4

🌹 CSS text 🌸 text color The   color property can be used to set the color of the text. The color is specified by the following values Color name - e.g. "red"Hexadecimal value - e.g. "#ff0000"RGB value - for example, "rgb(255,0,0)" example: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style ...

Posted by chowwiie on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 09:35:07 +0100

[rem adaptation layout]

rem adaptive layout What is 1.0 rem rem is a relative unit, similar to em, which is based on the font size of the parent elementUnlike em, rem is based on the font size of the entire html pageIf the font size set for the root element is 12px, the font size set for its child element is 2rem; Then the font size is 24px 2.0 media query Media q ...

Posted by sirstrumalot on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 00:24:01 +0100

form and template engine for front-end and back-end interaction

catalogue 1, Form form 1.1 label properties 1.1.1 action 1.1.2 target 1.1.3 method 1.1.4 enctype 1.2} form synchronous submission and shortcomings 1.3} submit form data through Ajax 1.3. 1. Listen for form submission events 1.3. 2. Block the default behavior of the form 1.4. serialize() method Two. Template engine 2.1} art template ...

Posted by sgs-techie on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 14:03:47 +0100

Java Web css (selector, page positioning, row elements, block elements, conversion between block elements within rows, layer floating, table layout page, div and css layout page)

1. Line label and block label Line label: by default, a label that does not occupy a whole line will occupy as much width as the content is Block label: This is the label that occupies one line by default. h1 # hr # ul li In line block label: it has the characteristics of some line labels and block labels <!DOCTYPE html> <html&g ...

Posted by TylerL on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 05:49:14 +0100

JavaScript quick start

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. Running in client browsers, each browser has an engine to parse JavaScript. Scripting language: it can be parsed and executed directly by the browser without compilation. The core function is to enhance the interaction between users and HTML pages and make the pages have some dynamic effects. ...

Posted by aysx on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 17:58:01 +0100

1 Gobang game

Let me explain the development of a simple game: Gobang. To realize Gobang, the first thing to do is to create a two-dimensional array and a chessboard. Maybe someone else's chessboard is created with canvas , but my chessboard is created with div element, because the label element can put a lot of data. For example, I put a div on the chess ...

Posted by eranwein on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 07:21:16 +0100

Day07_CSS class notes

Day07 CSS class notes 1 Review 1. CSS Styles: background background-color background-image background-repeat background-position / background-position-x / background-position-y background-attachment background 2. CSS Styles: mouse cursor styles cursor: pointer / move 3. CSS Styles: list properties list-style-type ...

Posted by asd on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 06:06:36 +0100

Page text annotation

Effect achieved:      There are generally two ways to realize the annotation function: 1, The back end will store the data in two parts: ① plain text in the article area ② string containing HTML structure When the front end requests data, it will be directly returned to the front end, and the front end will display it directly. ...

Posted by Bad HAL 9000 on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 06:19:43 +0100